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31.12.2010 RES gets approval for 99MW Dunmaglass wind farm
Renewable energy power project developer RES has received approval from the Scottish government to build the 99MW Dunmaglass wind farm.
Accesări: 2643
31.12.2010 enXco, Xcel Energy bring 201MW Nobles wind farm online
Energy companies enXco and Xcel Energy have said the 201MW Nobles wind farm in south-west Minnesota is now fully operational and supplying energy to the grid.
Accesări: 2556
В будущем году столица Молдовы может окончательно забыть о неприятном запахе с очистных сооружений. Более того – начать зарабатывать деньги на экспорте продуктов переработки активного ила, получаемого при очистке канализационных стоков. Именно это предусматривает инвестиционный проект, который намерена реализовать в Молдове местная компания Hiteck. Она уже располагает опытом утилизации отходов, но немного другого свойства: компания успешно переработала 2,2 тыс. тонн отходов гальваники на заводе «Рэут» и свыше тысячи тонн таких же отходов на заводе «Альфа».
Accesări: 1833
Правительство Молдовы утвердило решение об открытии нового промышленного парка. Он будет создан в с. Царьград Дрокиевского района. Основным направлением его деятельности станет производство газа метана и биоудобрений из биомассы. Администратором и основным резидентом нового парка является компания"Bioenergoagro", которая владеет и землями, где будет построено новое предприятие. Таким образом, в стране рождается первый частный промышленный парк.
Accesări: 2312
30.12.2010 Vestas celebrates 450MW of turbine orders
Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas has announced a series of new orders for wind farms in Germany, Poland, Norway and China totalling 450MW.
Accesări: 2511
30.12.2010 Solar Power to build 5MW rooftop solar system in New Jersey
Solar Power has been contracted to design, engineer and construct a 5MW rooftop system for installation on a warehouse in Carteret, New Jersey owned by private equity firm KTR Capital Partners.
Accesări: 2699
29.12.2010 LDK Solar expands solar wafer production capacity
China-headquartered solar manufacturer LDK Solar has expanded its annual wafer production capacity to 3GW just weeks after entering into a three-year wafer supply agreement with Lu’an Group’s solar subsidiary.
Accesări: 2740
29.12.2010 Largest onshore wind turbine order for Siemens signals US growth
Power gargantuan Siemens has announced its largest order to date for onshore wind turbines, from a US energy company, signalling its growth in the country’s renewables market.
Accesări: 2461
22.12.2010 STR Holdings completes acquisition of solar manufacturing facility
STR Holdings, which produces encapsulants for the solar photovoltaic module industry, has finalised the acquisition of a new factory in East Windsor, Connecticut, US.
Accesări: 2624
22.12.2010 Cleantech start-up LS9 raises $30m to support growth
US-based clean technology start-up LS9 has raised $30m in its latest round of funding, which was led by global asset manager BlackRock.
Accesări: 2836
21.12.2010 HgCapital, NV Nordisk Vindkraft sign deal for 41MW Swedish wind farm
Private equity firm HgCapital and renewable energy developer NV Nordisk Vindkraft have consolidated their leadership in the Swedish onshore wind sector by signing agreements for the sale, construction and financing of the 41MW Åmliden wind farm in Västerbotten County.
Accesări: 2570
21.12.2010 Acta signs a €2.45m deal for PV pipeline
Clean energy products company Acta saw its share price rise today as it announced it had formed a €2.45m contract with an Italian investment group to sell a portfolio of its Toscana photovoltaic (PV) authorisation pipeline.
Accesări: 2589
21.12.2010 Statele emergente investesc masiv in noile tehnologii energetice
Guvernele a sase tari emergente – Brazilia, Rusia, India, Mexic, China si Africa de Sud – au cheltuit in 2008 mai multi bani pe cercetare, dezvoltare si proiecte demonstrative in domeniul tehnologiilor energetice decat au alocat in total, catre acelasi sector, cele mai bogate 20 de state ale lumii.
Accesări: 1751
20.12.2010 World’s largest wind farm secures federal loan guarantee
The US government has agreed to provide a partial loan guarantee for a $1.3bn loan to support the world’s largest wind farm, which is to sell all of its power and renewable energy credits to Southern California Edison (SCE).
Accesări: 2510
20.12.2010 US to look for solar zones ripe for development
The US government has launched a draft plan identifying public land in six western states suitable for the development of utility-scale solar projects.
Accesări: 2539
20.12.2010 Dong awards €175m Anholt project foundations contract to MT Højgaard
MT Højgaard, one of Denmark’s largest construction companies, has been awarded a €175m contract by domestic utility Dong Energy to manufacture and install offshore wind turbine foundations for the new Anholt wind project.
Accesări: 2550
20.12.2010 Alexandru Lupan, directorul general al companiei “Combustibil Solid”: În ultimii zece ani în Republica Moldova consumul de cărbune s-a diminuat de 10 ori
Nu sunt adeptul gazificării totale a ţării, deoarece ceea ce ţine de securitatea energetică a statului, gazificarea intră în domeniul dat, este incorectă axarea pe un sigur furnizor. Am avut nu o dată precedente, când importul de gaze era influenţată politic. La moment, 97% din resursele energetice din Republica Moldova este bazată pe import sau pe gazul rusesc.
Accesări: 3602
17.12.2010 Marea Britanie: Program de finantare a energiei verzi pentru mediul privat
Guvernul britanic a anuntat ca va investi 110 miliarde de lire sterline in noi centrale energetice, inclusiv nucleare, pentru a-si atinge tinta de crestere a ponderii energiei verzi de la 7% la 30% pana in 2020, informeaza agentia Xinhua.
Accesări: 1931
17.12.2010 Western Wind Energy closes funding for $300m Windstar projects
Renewable energy producer Western Wind Energy is set to begin construction of a $300m wind power project after closing the relevant credit facilities.
Accesări: 2476
17.12.2010 Consortium develops Bulgaria’s largest solar PV project
A group of renewable energy companies has launched the largest solar photovoltaic project in Bulgaria, which when complete is also set to be one of the largest installations in the European Union.
Accesări: 2548
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