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Prima / Noutati / Dong awards €175m Anholt project foundations contract to MT Højgaard
Dong awards €175m Anholt project foundations contract to MT Højgaard
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MT Højgaard, one of Denmark’s largest construction companies, has been awarded a €175m contract by domestic utility Dong Energy to manufacture and install offshore wind turbine foundations for the new Anholt wind project.

To be cited between Djursland and Anholt in the Kattegat waters, the project is due to comprise 111 wind turbines and generate 400MW of clean energy.
When complete, it will become the biggest offshore wind farm in Denmark and is due to supply electricity to the grid at the end of 2012, meeting four per cent of the country’s energy needs.
Bente Østerbye, vice president, in MT Højgaard, said, ‘The project has a series of challenges, including the soil conditions and a very tight schedule, so the project is suited to our experience and gives us an opportunity to continue to develop our expertise in offshore foundations.’
MT Højgaard said the civil engineering works will begin towards the end of 2011 and will involve a series of specialised vessels.
The company said the deal is expected to contribute positively to its earnings during the two years the project lasts.

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