Parcul eolian Salbatica 2 a devenit operational
Parcul eolian Salbatica 2, cu o capacitate instalata de 70 MW, al Enel Green Power a devenit operational. Parcul, care cuprinde 35 de turbine eoliene de 2 MW fiecare, este situat langa Tulcea, in nordul Dobrogei. |
Epuron, Impax close €20m financing for 12MW wind farm
European wind energy developer Epuron has closed €20m financing through French investment bank Natixis to complete the 12MW Parc Eolien de la Chaude Vallee currently under construction in Picardie, northern France. |
Investitie de 780 milioane euro in 11 parcuri eoliene in judetul Suceava
Firma cu capital francez Filasa va investi in urmatorii doi ani 780 de milioane de euro in constructia, in localitati din judetul Suceava, a 11 parcuri eoliene cu o putere instalata totala de 516 Mw, a anuntat, presedintele Consiliului Judetean Suceava, Gheorghe Flutur, conform Mediafax. |
Renexpo South-East Europe la cea de-a patra editie
Renexpo South-East Europe, cel mai mare eveniment pe energie regenerabila si eficienta energetica din Romaniei, revine cu cea de-a IV-a editie la Sala Palatului din Bucuresti, intre 9-11 noiembrie 2011. |
Enel Green Power investeste 250 milioane dolari intr-un parc eolian din SUA
Enel Green Power America de Nord (EGP NA) si Trade Wind Energy au inceput lucrarile de construcţie la parcul eolian Rocky Ridge, deţinut in proportie de 51% de EGP NA. Parcul este situat in statul Oklahoma. Investiţia in proiect se ridica la un total de aproximativ 250 de milioane de dolari americani, a anuntat compania. |
Bankrupt wind company Proven Energy sold to Kingspan
Bankrupt UK small wind power developer Proven Energy has been sold by KPMG receivers to cleantech company Kingspan Renewables. Those involved said the sale will safeguard employment for the 20 staff still working at Proven and allow the continuation of manufacturing at the company’s plant in Ayrshire, Scotland. |
Platina Partners secures €37m refinancing of Italian PV plant
Cleantech-focused private equity firm Platina Partners has completed a €37m refinancing of its 9.5MW Archangel photovoltaic (PV) project in Puglia, Italy. The group secured debt financing through Germany’s Commerzbank in the second deal between the two organisations have completed. |