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16.07.2010 Asian renewable energy conference in Bangkok
JAKARTA: Investors and suppliers of renewable energy technology from around the world will meet at the Renewable Energy Asia Conference and Exhibition 2010 in Bangkok on Sept. 15-18.
Accesări: 1218
15.07.2010 Renewable Energy Supply will meet ‘the 10% by 2015’ Target: CERC Chairman
New Delhi: “The renewable energy supply will not be a constraint in meeting the 10% by 2015 target set by the National Action Plan on Climate Change,” Dr Pramod Deo, IAS, Chairman, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) said and added that CERC has conducted a study to assess the supply scenario based on stakeholder consultation and the study revealed that the supply from renewable energy resources could exceed 47720 MW by 2015, as against the trend scenario of 54,800 MW.
Accesări: 1564
15.07.2010 Enel si Elcomex fac parc eolian in Dobrogea
Enel Gren Power Romania a ajuns la un acord cu grupul Elcomex, detinut de omul de afaceri Ion Grecu, pentru dezvoltarea unui parc eolian in Dobrogea, intelegere prin care subsidiara grupului italian are optiunea de a cumpara compania de proiect, informeaza Mediafax.
Accesări: 852
12.07.2010 UK Government launches consultation on microgeneration
The UK Government is today launching the first stage of its plans for homes, businesses and communities to generate their own renewable power.
Accesări: 1193
12.07.2010 Able UK unveils plans for £400 million Marine Energy Park on Humberside
Able UK has unveiled plans to create a £400 million to transform the north east’s Humberside with a Marine Energy Park to support the UK’s burgeoning offshore wind industry.
Accesări: 1167
12.07.2010 Nevada desert to be home of solar energy test site
US Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced late last week that the Nevada desert is to be the home of a new solar energy test site.
Accesări: 1163
09.07.2010 UE ar putea reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră cu 95%
Investiţiile în tehnologia necesară vor costa 2 miliarde de euro, dar vor fi acoperite cu banii economisiţi din renunţarea la combustibili.
Accesări: 779
09.07.2010 UE a hotarat reducerea emisiilor industriale la 2 miliarde de tone anual
Executivul Uniunii Europene a stabilit vineri o tinta de reducere a emisiilor sale anuale de gaze cu efect de sera din industiile grele sub limita de 2 miliarde de tone , anunta Earth Times.
Accesări: 755
08.07.2010 Germania: 100% energie regenerabila pana in 2050
Germania ar putea sa se alimenteze in proportie de 100% cu energie regenerabila pana in 2050 si sa devina primul stat industrializat care renunta la combustibilii fosili, transmite The Guardian, care citeaza Agentia Federala de Mediu.
Accesări: 757
07.07.2010 Europe’s renewable electricity generation nearly hits 20%
Last year, just shy of 20% of Europe’s total electricity consumption came from renewable sources, according to the latest figures from the European Commission.
Accesări: 1106
06.07.2010 Дальнейшее продвижение в планах ЕС по импорту солнечной энергии из Северной Африки
Комиссар ЕС по вопросам энергетики Гюнтер Оттингер (Gunther Oettinger) заявил, что в ближайшие пять лет ЕС планирует начать импорт сотен мегаватт солнечной энергии из стран Северной Африки. Это заявление прозвучало после проходившей 20 июня 2010 г. встречи Еврокомиссара с министрами Алжира, Туниса и Марокко для продвижения инициативы по использованию возобновляемых источников энергии. Брюссель предложил импорт энергии из засушливых регионов южного Средиземноморья в качестве одной из нескольких стратегий, которые должны помочь ЕС добиться своей долгосрочной цели «декарбонизации» экономики.
Accesări: 663
06.07.2010 Anger over end of Scottish renewable energy grant scheme
The Association for the Conservation of Energy (ACE) has reacted angrily to the Scottish Government’s announcement of the end of its home renewables grant scheme after “unprecedented demand”.
Accesări: 1008
02.07.2010 Offshore wind developers join forces with Carbon Trust
Its future may – or may not – be in jeopardy, but the UK’s Carbon Trust this week announced that its Offshore wind Accelerator (OWA) aimed at driving down the costs of the technology now counts seven major wind developers as members.
Accesări: 1057
28.06.2010 Parisul vrea să îşi ia energia din Sena
Autorităţile franceze folosesc deja energie regenerabilă pentru clădirile pariziene.Autorităţile franceze vor să instaleze opt turbine sub podurile de pe Sena pentru a crea energie din curenţii râului.
Accesări: 791
27.06.2010 Canada va inchide centralele vechi pe carbune
Canada va inchide treptat vechile sale centrale energetice pe carbune pentru a-si reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera, a anuntat ministrul canadian al Mediului, Jim Prentice, citat de Reuters.
Accesări: 724
25.06.2010 13 MLN de Euro pentru eficienta energetica
Banca Europeana pentru Reconstructie si Dezvoltare acorda Moldovei primele credite de eficienta energetica, in suma de 13 milioane de Euro. Acordul privind aceste imprumuturi a fost semnat, astazi, la Chisinau, in cadrul Saptamanii Investitionale “Moldova Business Week 2010”.
Accesări: 762
23.06.2010 China to tap more unconventional gas to ease energy shortage
BEIJING - China is set to exploit more unconventional gas reserves to meet rising demand and to power its rapid economic growth as part of the country's efforts to grapple with energy shortages and climate change.
Accesări: 1148
22.06.2010 Australia Will Maintain 20% Renewable Energy Target, Wong Says
The Australian government will keep a target of generating 20 percent of the nation’s energy from renewable sources by 2020 while amending planned legislation, Climate Change Minister Penny Wong said.
Accesări: 1139
21.06.2010 UE va importa energie verde din Sahara in cinci ani
In cinci ani, Uniunea Europeana ar putea importa energie solara din nordul Africii, estimeaza Guenther Oettinger, comisar european pentru Energie, citat de Reuters.
Accesări: 809
21.06.2010 Turbine eoliene de 150 de metri vor fi construite in Marea Britanie
Turbine uriase, de peste 150 de metri inaltime, vor fi instalate in curand in Marea Britanie si ar putea lansa un trend in ce priveste dimensiunile, potrivit The Telegraph.
Accesări: 771
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