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25.10.2010 LDK Solar signs $300m supply deal with Berkshire Hathaway company BYD
NYSE-listed solar wafer manufacturer LDK Solar has sold $300m in polysilicon wafer products to Hong Kong-listed Berkshire Hathaway company BYD.
Accesări: 1067
25.10.2010 Gamesa commits €150m to make UK centre of offshore wind activities
Spanish wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa has chosen the UK to be the centre of its offshore wind business and will invest €150m between now and 2014.
Accesări: 1069
25.10.2010 Fostul dispensar comunal din Copaceni, echipat cu panouri solare
Fostul dispensar din comuna Copaceni, judetul Ilfov, isi va reduce dramatic facturile la incalzire dupa finalizarea unui ambitios proiect de reabilitare termica si de instalare de panouri solare pe cladire. Proiectul-pilot, de promovare a energiei solare la nivelul comunitatilor locale, este derulat de Asociatia Expertilor de Mediu, in parteneriat cu asociatia Euro Consens si Primaria Copaceni.
Accesări: 776
25.10.2010 EU launches project to increase European solar cell efficiency
Austria-based thin-wafer equipmpent supplier Mechatronic Systemtechnik and eight other company and institutional partners have been selected by the European Commission to increase the efficiency of solar cells.
Accesări: 1272
22.10.2010 Satcon seeks $32.7m from share offering
Satcon Technology is hoping to raise $32.7m in a public offering it expects to close next Wednesday in order to pursue further acquisitions of renewable energy businesses.
Accesări: 1050
22.10.2010 Canadienii au cel mai mare parc fotovoltaic din lume
Cea mai mare centrala solara fotovoltaica din lume a fost finalizata luna trecuta in Ontario, Canada. Aceasta a intrat deja in functiune si produce pana la 80MW de electricitate, relateaza Ecofriend.
Accesări: 674
21.10.2010 UK losing out on offshore wind potential to EU turbine suppliers, says Rolls Royce
The UK has the potential to build one of the great offshore wind industries anywhere in the world but its domestic industry is loosing out to European suppliers, an industry expert said.
Accesări: 1102
21.10.2010 EU renewable energy progress ‘stuck in hole’, says Greenpeace
At both a country and European Union (EU) level the renewable energy industry is ‘stuck in a hole’ and desperately needs leadership, according to environmental activist network Greenpeace.
Accesări: 1069
21.10.2010 Enfinity, Infrabel public-private partnership powers Brussels high-speed rail with solar
Renewable energy company Enfinity has partnered with Belgian railway infrastructure operator Infrabel and the municipalities of Schoten and Brasschaat to develop solar power project on the high-speed rail tunnel along the E19 motorway in Belgium that will power trains.
Accesări: 1208
21.10.2010 Enfinity to use JinkoSolar PV panels in 2011 developments
The Asia Pacific arm of global renewable energy developer Enfinity will use solar photovoltaic (PV) modules developed and built by China-based manufacturer JinkoSolar in its developments throughout 2011.
Accesări: 1178
21.10.2010 GDF SUEZ nu investeste in eoliene pana nu se clarifica legea in domeniu
Grupul francez GDF SUEZ, prezent pe piata romaneasca a distributiei si furnizarii de gaze naturale si electricitate, asteapta clarificarea cadrului legal privitor la sustinerea energiilor regenerabile pentru a incepe constructia primelor sale turbine eoliene in Romania, anunta Mediafax.
Accesări: 618
21.10.2010 Curierul National: Turbinele eoliene de la Cernavoda vor fi gata in cateva saptamani
Compania portugheza Energias de Portugal (EDP) a finalizat constructia parcului eolian de la Pestera si va incheia in cateva saptamani realizarea turbinelor eoliene de la Cernavoda, ambele proiecte fiind evaluate la peste 300 milioane de euro.
Accesări: 622
21.10.2010 Alvin Toffler: Energiile alternative vor crea perdanti intr-o lume post-hidrocarburi
Dezvoltarea unor forme alternative de energie va crea "perdanti intr-o lume post-hidrocarburi", precum Arabia Saudita, Iran, Irak, cateva state din zona Golfului Persic, dar si Rusia si Venezuela, afirma un studiu realizat de compania de consultanta a celebrului futurolog Alvin Toffler, semnatarul cartilor ”Al Treilea Val” sau ”Socul Viitorului”.
Accesări: 645
20.10.2010 Collaboration in supply chain key to low carbon technology development, says BP
Giving an increased importance to collaboration in the supply chain will accelerate the adoption of renewable energy technologies, according to a leading member of BP.
Accesări: 1001
20.10.2010 Ameresco and Massachusetts partner to finance and operate state solar projects
Delaware-based renewable energy company Ameresco and the Massachusetts State Department of Energy Resources (DOER) have collaborated to finance and operate solar power systems on five state facilities.
Accesări: 930
20.10.2010 EnXco to operate 50MW Linden Wind Farm for Southern California Public Power Authority
EnXco Service, a subsidary of European utility an EDF Energies Nouvelles, has signed an operations and maintenance agreement with Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA) for the 50MW Linden wind project in the US state of Washington.
Accesări: 969
19.10.2010 Dong Energy urges countries to compete on renewables front
Heavyweight power developer Dong Energy has called upon ambitious countries to compete as front-runners of renewable energy businesses.
Accesări: 965
19.10.2010 US solar manufacturer 1366 Technologies raises $20m
US-based solar manufacturer 1366 Technologies has raised $20m in a Series B round of financing, which it plans to use to produce its ‘cost-halving’ wafer technology ahead of schedule.
Accesări: 1022
19.10.2010 Romania Libera: Cat de tare va bate vantul peste 20 de ani
Justificate sau nu, temerile iscate de o posibila avarie globala a energiei electrice, cauzata de exploziile solare prognozate de NASA pentru anul 2013 sau inversarea polilor magnetici ai Terrei (ultima a avut loc in urma cu 780.000 de anii) i-au facut pe specialisti sa-si indrepte din ce in ce mai mult atentia asupra surselor alternative de electricitate. Este si cazul energiei eoliene, o sursa de energie regenerabila generata din puterea vantului, care la ora actuala asigura peste 1% din necesarul mondial de energie electrica.
Accesări: 641
18.10.2010 Magnolia Solar secures funding for second phase advanced thin-film development
A subsidiary of US developer Magnolia Solar, which was founded two years ago to commercialise nanotechnology-based thin-film solar technology, has received funding for a second phase development contract from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
Accesări: 976
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