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02.11.2011 SMart Wind installs twisted jacket met mast
A joint venture between Mainstream Renewable Power and Siemens Project Ventures called SMart Wind has installed the first meteorological mast at the 4GW Hornsea offshore wind zone in UK waters.
Accesări: 1353
02.11.2011 Acciona to build 50MW Costa Rica wind farm
Spanish cleantech developer Acciona has won a tender bid to construct a 50MW wind farm in Costa Rica, the company’s first venture in the country.
Accesări: 1304
02.11.2011 Adrem Invest intentioneaza sa construiasca un parc fotovoltaic de 10 MW
Compania de inginerie tehnologica Adrem Invest intentioneaza sa construiasca un parc fotovoltaic cu o putere instalata de 10 MW, a anuntat marti presedintele companiei, Adrian Bodea.
Accesări: 956
01.11.2011 EMG begins build of 80MW Nebraska wind farm
US wind energy developer the Edison Mission Group (EMG), together with Midwest Wind Energy and the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), has commenced construction on an 80MW wind farm in Custer County, central Nebraska.
Accesări: 1373
31.10.2011 Romania are nevoie de 35 de miliarde de euro pentru a-si asigura viitorul energetic
Necesarul energetic al lumii va creste de la nivelul actual, de 18.000 terawati ora, la 34.000 de terawati ora in anul 2030, a declarat astazi Iulian Iancu, presedintele Comisiei pentru Industrii si Servicii a Camerei Deputatilor.
Accesări: 921
28.10.2011 APS, First Solar complete 17MW Arizona project
US utility the Arizona Public Service Company (APS) and photovoltaic (PV) developer First Solar have completed installation of the 17MW Paloma plant, one of the first projects to reach commercial operation as part of the AZ Sun programme.
Accesări: 1376
27.10.2011 SSE scraps plans to build Scottish wind farm
UK power company Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) has withdrawn an application request made to the Scottish government for a proposed 72.5MW wind farm in Ayrshire.
Accesări: 1355
27.10.2011 Dong, Vestas collaborate to test 7MW offshore wind turbine
Danish wind energy specialist Vestas and power company Dong have entered into a collaboration to test Vestas’ new 7MW turbine designed for the offshore market.
Accesări: 1495
27.10.2011 Activ Solar opens Eastern Europe’s largest PV plant
Austrian cleantech developer Activ Solar has completed the installation of the largest photovoltaic (PV) plant in Eastern Europe, an 80MW development in the south of Ukraine.
Accesări: 1458
27.10.2011 Romania, fara specialisti in energie verde
Romania nu are tehnicieni pregatiti pentru a a construi sisteme de energie verde, este concluzia specialistilor care participa astazi la Conferinta „Energy Investement Day”.
Accesări: 1082
27.10.2011 Proiectele eoliene si hidro, campioane la energie verde
Proiectele eoliene si cele hidroenergetice sunt cel mai bine realizate din totalul celor care vizeaza valorificarae energiei verzi, a declarat George Guran, reprezentantul Oragnismului Intermediar pentru Energie, din cadrul Ministerului Econmiei, Comertului si Mediului de Afaceri (MECMA).
Accesări: 1107
26.10.2011 ENER-G opens new R&D centre in Salford, UK
UK-based cleantech specialist ENER-G has opened a new research and development centre in Salford, North-West England, to develop new energy efficiency hardware systems. Engineers at the facility will work in collaboration with the company’s software design team in Sussex to design new building control technology.
Accesări: 1453
26.10.2011 Bisol, Avdira plan 100MW PV distribution in Greec
European solar manufacturer Bisol has been contracted to supply 25MW of photovoltaic (PV) modules by Greek company Avdira Solar.
Accesări: 1848
25.10.2011 Vestas selects IBM technology to improve turbine placement
Danish wind energy developer Vestas has chosen IT giant IBM to supply data analytic software and systems to improve the placement of turbines for optimal energy output.
Accesări: 1314
25.10.2011 Conergy to build 5MW solar array on Parma rooftop
German solar developer Conergy has been contracted by Italian fair trade company Fierce de Parma to install a 5MW photovoltaic (PV) array on the roofs of an exhibition centre in Parma.
Accesări: 1286
24.10.2011 Terra Firma acquires €264m Italian solar project
Terra Firma, the London-based private equity firm headed by Guy Hands, has acquired Nuova Rete Solare (NRTS), Italian electricity grid operator Terna’s second solar project, for €264m.
Accesări: 1447
24.10.2011 Solon sells Italy PV plants to Norwegian investor EAM Solar
European solar company Solon has sold a 1.5MW photovoltaic (PV) plant in Udine, north Italy, to Norwegian investment group EAM Solar for an undisclosed sum. EAM has also agreed to purchase a 3.1MW facility located 10km away.
Accesări: 1390
24.10.2011 REpower wins Alaska wind farm supply deal
German wind turbine manufacturer REpower, now majority-owned by Suzlon, has been contracted to supply 12 turbines in Alaska by the Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA).
Accesări: 1369
21.10.2011 WES forms partnership for US wind farm servicing
US wind farm repair and maintenance specialist the Wind Energy Services Company (WES) has partnered with three turbine component factories owned by Molded Fiber Glass Companies (MFG) to open service centres at the MFG facilities.
Accesări: 1362
21.10.2011 E.ON produces first power at Pioneer Trail wind farm
German energy company E.ON Climate & Renewables’ US division has generated electricity from the first turbines installed at the Pioneer Trail wind farm in central Illinois.
Accesări: 1321
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