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Prima / Noutati / Dong, Vestas collaborate to test 7MW offshore wind turbine
Dong, Vestas collaborate to test 7MW offshore wind turbine
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Danish wind energy specialist Vestas and power company Dong have entered into a collaboration to test Vestas' new 7MW turbine designed for the offshore market.


Testing will take place in the waters off Frederikshavn in north-east Denmark with Dong set to invest DKK240m ($45m) into the trial site. The turbine is set to be installed in 2013 and Dong has permission to erect six units for demonstration purposes.

Ditlev Engel, president and CEO of Vestas, said, 'We are pleased that the agreement with Dong Energy on our upcoming offshore wind turbine has now been finalised. We expect a great deal from the opportunity to work closely together with the world's leading offshore wind farm operator on the V164-7MW turbine. The test installation will provide Dong Energy with the most detailed insight into the turbine, and we look forward to this opportunity to provide Dong Energy with the confidence they require to invest in the turbine for commercial projects further down the line.'

Last month, Dong secured a €280m, ten-year long from the Nordic Investment Bank for the construction of the 400MW Anholt offshore wind farm and in August agreed on a €1.5bn revolving credit facility with a consortium of 13 banks.

Earlier this month, Vestas chose IT giant IBM to provide equipment that will help the company select optimal locations for its wind farms and won an order from US utility Consumers Energy to supply 56 turbines for a 101MW development in Michigan.


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