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29.05.2012 Parcul eolian Fantanele-Cogealac, finalizat in 2012
Parcul eolian de la Fantanele-Cogealac, dezvoltat de Grupul CEZ in Dobrogea, va fi dat in functiune la capacitatea sa maxima, de 600 MW, pana la sfarsitul lui 2012, potrivit lui Ion Lungu, directorul general al CEZ Trade.
Accesări: 1269
29.05.2012 Nissan to produce electric van in Barcelona
Japanese carmaker Nissan is to make its new 100% electric van the e-NV200 in Barcelona, Spain starting in 2013, the company has announced.
Accesări: 1711
29.05.2012 UK government switches on low-carbon heating for social housing
The UK government yesterday announced a £10 million fund to help switch social housing over to low-carbon heating like biomass boilers, solar hot water systems and heat pumps.
Accesări: 3407
29.05.2012 London presents big challenge to Green Deal, warns report
A report out today from Future of London, supported by EDF Energy, warns that the capital is going to present a particular challenge to the government’s forthcoming Green Deal efficiency scheme.
Accesări: 2756
29.05.2012 Clean energy investment drops to lowest levels since 2009
Clean energy investment during the first quarter of the year has dropped to its lowest level since 2009, say consultants Ernst & Young.
Accesări: 1695
29.05.2012 'Golden age of gas' threatens renewable energy, IEA warns
Agency says tripling output by 2035 from unconventional gas sources such as shale gas could end support for renewables.
Accesări: 1538
28.05.2012 Intel to turn London into smart technology test bed
Computer giant Intel has announced a five year collaboration with two UK universities to use smart technology to tackle urban issues like energy supply and environmental problems.
Accesări: 2329
28.05.2012 UK to allow small emitters to opt out of emissions trading
The UK government has confirmed that small emitters and hospitals will be given the option to ‘opt out’ of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) from 2013.
Accesări: 1513
28.05.2012 UK ramps up roll out of key efficiency policies
The UK government is ramping up the rollout of its key energy efficiency policies with the appointment of a new expert chair of its deployment task force and a programme of Green Deal business briefings.
Accesări: 1545
28.05.2012 Global CO2 emissions reach record high, warns IEA
Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use rose to a record high of 31.6 Gt in 2011, according to preliminary estimates from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Accesări: 1499
28.05.2012 Cuptor de milioane la Fabrica de Sticlă din Chișinău
Un cuptor de topire a sticlei, în valoare de 132 de milioane de lei, a fost dat astăzi în exploatare la Fabrica de Sticlă din Chișinău.
Accesări: 1396
28.05.2012 Dilemele politice şi economice ale gazului rusesc
„Gazprom”-ul nu va ţine pentru "Belarusi" preţuri joase prea mult. De aceea trebuie să utilizăm acestă pauză pentru a spori eficienţa energetică a economiei.
Accesări: 1119
25.05.2012 UK government promises ‘certainty’ with fresh solar FIT cuts in August
The UK government says it is giving the solar microgeneration industry ‘certainty’ by confirming further cuts to the feed-in tariff (FIT) for domestic solar installations from August.
Accesări: 1548
25.05.2012 UK Green Investment Bank team appointed
Lord Smith of Kelvin, current chair of SSE and The Weir Group, is to head the UK’s new Green Investment Bank (GIB), the government announced today.
Accesări: 1367
25.05.2012 Goldman Sachs plans $40 billion clean energy investment
Goldman Sachs is planning a $40 billion investment over the next decade into renewable energy projects, according to media reports.
Accesări: 1415
25.05.2012 Green local transport schemes get £113 million injection
UK Transport Minister Norman Baker yesterday announced a £113 million injection of funds for 30 local low-carbon transport schemes.
Accesări: 1354
24.05.2012 Goldman Sachs to inject $40bn into renewable energy over next decade
Goldman Sachs will pump $40bn into the renewable energy sector over the next decade to tap into what it sees as one of the biggest profit opportunities since the rise of the emergence of the emerging markets.
Accesări: 1401
24.05.2012 Gamesa hires new chief exec Ignacio Martín after difficult year
Wind company Gamesa has appointed Ignacio Martín as its new chief executive after Jorge Calvet’s departure from the role.
Accesări: 1484
24.05.2012 US home solar installer Sunrun raises $60m
Sunrun, one of the biggest home installation solar companies in the US, has secured $60m in a financing round led by Madrone Capital Partners.
Accesări: 1494
24.05.2012 35 de milioane de euro pentru eficientizarea energetică a sectorului rezidenţial
BCR Chişinău va primi prima linie de creditare pentru eficienţa energetică în sectorul rezidenţial.BERD sprijină gospodăriile din Republica Moldova în reducerea consumului de energie şi micșorarea plăţilor pentru facturi prin intermediul unui nou proiect: „Facilitatea de Finanţare în Domeniul Eficienţei Energetice în sectorul Rezidențial din Moldova” (MoREEFF), în valoare de 35 milioane de euro, lansat astăzi 18 mai 2012. Acesta reprezintă un nou cadru elaborat cu scopul de a încuraja gospodăriile să utilizeze mai eficient resursele energetice ale ţării şi să reducă costul facturilor la energia pentru uz casnic.
Accesări: 968
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