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"Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Moldova"
"Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Moldova"
Financing Energy Efficiency Investment for Climate Change Mitigation

Project name:

"Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Moldova"


Project type:

National project


Type of assistance:



Donor's project code:




Global Environment Fund (GEF)


Agreement on which base the project is working:

  1. Resolution of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova No. 233 from 29.09.1994 (MO No. 10 from 20.10.1994) „On adhesion of the Republic of Moldova to the Convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations".
  2. Resolution of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova No. 401 from 16.03.1995 (MO No. 23 from 27.04.1995) „ On adhesion of the Republic of Moldova to the Convention on privileges and immunities of the specialized institutions".
  3. Resolution of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova No. 404 from 16.03.1995 (MO No. 23 from 27.04.1995) " For the Ratification of the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention"


Project timeframe:




Ministry of Environment, Chisinau, MD-2005, #9 Cosmonautilor St.


Partner institution:

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)


Implementation institution:

Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment



PhD Vasile SCORPAN (National Focal Point)

156A, Mitropolit Dosoftei St, off. 37,

Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment

MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

tel./fax. (373 22) 23 22 47

E-mail: clima@mediu.gov.md 

and/or v.scorpan@yahoo.com


Total budget:

4,324,000 USD



Environment protection


Summary of the project:

The ultimate goal of the project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of Moldova industry by strengthening institutional capacity and establishing a policy and legal environment that enables and supports sustainable adoption of energy efficient technologies and management as an integral part of industries' business practices. An environment in which a cadre of well-trained and equipped experts in energy management and system optimization assists and offers services to industrial enterprises in developing and implementing energy improvement projects.

The project seeks to address many of the existing barriers to industrial energy efficiency (IEE), to deliver measurable results and to make an impact on how Moldovan industry manages energy through an integrated approach that combines capacity building and technical assistance interventions at the institutional, policy, market and project/investment level.

Primary target groups of the project are industry decision-makers (managers, engineers), energy professional, industrial equipment vendors and energy efficiency policy-making and -implementing institutions.

The project will provide technical assistance to the Agency for Energy Efficiency to develop and help establish market oriented policy and regulatory instruments needed to support sustainable progression of Moldova industries towards international best energy performance and to stimulate the creation of a market for industrial energy efficiency (IEE) products and services.

The project will build knowledge and in-depth technical capacity for IEE, focusing on energy management and system optimization, between enterprises, industry and energy efficiency professionals and relevant institutions.

The project will provide investments-specific technical assistance, including engineering studies and project financing, to support the development and implementation of a limited number of pilot IEE projects with high replication or energy savings potential in key sectors of Moldova's industry such as food processing, textile, manufacture of non-metallic products and light manufacturing.


Project Objective:

 The ultimate goal of the GEF project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by contributing to establish a policy and normative environment that enables and support sustainable adoption of energy efficiency technologies and management as an integral part of industries' business practices; an environment in which a cadre of well-trained and equipped experts in energy management and system optimization assists industries in developing and implementing energy efficiency improvement projects. 


Projects activities:

  1. Development, formulation and implementation of policies, regulation and programs to promote and support sustainable industrial energy efficiency.
  2. Capacity building, development of tools for and implementation of industrial systems optimization and energy management.
  3. Industrial energy efficiency pilot projects.


Expected Outputs:

1.1. Structure and procedures for monitoring, tracking and benchmarking energy consumption in industry are developed and established.

1.2. National IEE Best Practices information and dissemination program developed & established.

1.3. National IEE Best Practices Recognition Program is developed and established.

1.4. National Industrial Energy Manager Certification Program is developed and established.


2.1. A cadre 40 professionals, comprising of energy efficiency consultants and experts, industry engineers and managers, industrial equipment vendors and others are trained at an expert level and are equipped with the technical capacity and tools required to: a) develop and implement energy management systems and energy efficiency projects, focusing on steam system optimization, in industry; b) provide training to industry and energy professionals and offer commercial IEE services.

2.2. At least 40 IEE projects for cumulative 213-426 GWh of energy savings are developed and implemented by industrial enterprises as result of their participation in the Expert Training program of the project.

2.3. Industry decision-makers understand their potential for EE gains and consequent environmental and economic benefits.

2.4. A Practical Guide to the Implementation of Energy Management in Industry in compliance with the EN 16001 and ISO 50001 international standards is developed.


3.1. At least 6 pilot IEE projects for cumulative 45-60 GWh of energy savings over the investments duration are implemented by enterprises, from key industrial sectors, partnering in the project.


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