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Prima / Constientizare / A doua misiune AEE în Republica Moldova pe durata Proiectului UNIDO GEF GF/MOL/10/001
A doua misiune AEE în Republica Moldova pe durata Proiectului UNIDO GEF GF/MOL/10/001

Dățile misiunii:

24 aprilie 2012, 16:00 - 19:00, sedința bilaterală cu MAEE
25 aprilie 2012, 9:00 - 18:00
26 aprilie 2012: 9:00 - 18:00
27 aprilie 2012: 9:00 - 13:00

Locația misiunii:

Chisinau, str. Alecu Ruso nr. 1, bloc A1, et 10


Petra Lackner - AEA, Gregor Thenius - AEA, Rainer Stifter - Energon

Calin Negura - MEEA, MEEA - staff, Igor Zanoaga

Vasile Scorpan, Marius Taranu, Climate Change Office

Antreprenori din RM identificati de catre MEEA




[ENG] IntroductionPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] Austrian experience with establishing the NEEAP and operating the monitoring platformGregor Thenius, Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] Data Collection on Enterprise Level M&V of Energy Efficiency PerformancePetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] Methodology for Benchmarking ProgramPetra Lackner,  Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] Metrics – based on ISO materialsRainer Stifter, Energon;  Petra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] IEE BPID program,Rainer Stifter, Energon; Petra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] Methodology for IEE BPR ProgramPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] Team WorkPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
[ENG] Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in MoldovaAn overview of food processing industry of Republic of Moldova

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