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Home / Awareness / Second Mission to Moldova during the UNIDO GEF Project GF/MOL/10/001
Second Mission to Moldova during the UNIDO GEF Project GF/MOL/10/001

Date of Mission:

24th of April 2012, 16:00 - 19:00, bilateral meetings with MAEE
25th of April 2012, 9:00 - 18:00
26th of April 2012: 9:00 - 18:00
27th of April 2012: 9:00 - 13:00

Location of Mission:

Chisinau, Premises of MEEA, #1, Alecu Ruso St., block A1, 10th floor

Aim of Mission:

The second meeting will focus on the methodologies for each work stream deliverable and on the local frame conditions influencing the various programs to be developed.

AEA will present to the Moldovan stakeholders its experience with establishing the NEEAP and voluntary agreements for energy efficiency with Austrian enterprises. Furthermore AEA will give an overview of the energy data collected from enterprises by "Statistic Austria".

AEA will prepare a concept and templates for each methodology and discuss the concepts with local MEEA staff and steps to implement the methodologies. The aim is to identify the framework conditions and to customise the methodologies.

MEEA will be responsible for identifying stakeholders at national level and to invite key personnel for the meetings.

In addition team members of PC2 will be invited as they are working with "Type A" enterprises from which the data will be put into the M&V program.

The outcomes of the second meeting:

  • Methods for all programs discussed with Moldovan stakeholders and ready to be adapted by AEA according the input of Moldovan stakeholders
  • framework conditions and the basis for the development of customised methodologies and for the training during the third meeting are identified

MEEA will have an overview on which data and information to collect for the adaption of methodologies.


Petra Lackner - AEA, Gregor Thenius - AEA, Rainer Stifter - Energon

Calin Negura - MEEA, MEEA - staff, Igor Zanoaga

Vasile Scorpan, Marius Taranu, Climate Change Office

Moldovan stakeholders identified by MEEA




IntroductionPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
Austrian experience with establishing the NEEAP and operating the monitoring platformGregor Thenius, Austrian Energy Agency
Data Collection on Enterprise Level M&V of Energy Efficiency PerformancePetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
Methodology for Benchmarking ProgramPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
Metrics – based on ISO materialsRainer Stifter, Energon; Petra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
IEE BPID programRainer Stifter, Energon; Petra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
Methodology for IEE BPR ProgramPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
Team WorkPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in MoldovaAn overview of food processing industry of Republic of Moldova

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