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Home / Awareness / First Mission to Moldova during the UNIDO GEF Project GF/MOL/10/001
First Mission to Moldova during the UNIDO GEF Project GF/MOL/10/001


Date of Mission

16th of February 2012, 9:00 – 18:00, 

17th of February 2012: 9:00 – 13:00

Location of Mission


State Hydrometeorological Service Premises,

MD-2072, mun. Chişinău, #134, Grenoble St., 

4th floor, Conference Hall

Aim of Mission

During the initial meeting the partners will get to know each other and will present their expertise for the project. 

The work plan will be discussed in detail and results and goals of project component 2 of the UNIDO-GEF project will be presented. 

Resources, roles and responsibilities within the project team will be clarified and the roadmap will be discussed.

An additional goal will be to meet relevant stakeholders to create confidence and form the basis for a future co-operation. 

Team members of further relevant projects, especially the “SIDA project” will also be invited to discuss possible synergies on an early stage.


The outcomes of this initial meeting should be that: 

  • all project partners have a clear picture of the entire project and understand clearly the expected results and deliverables, 
  • roles and responsibilities are defined,
  • ToDos for the next months are fixed and
  • the schedule of the whole project period has been discussed.


Download full agenda


Technical assistance for capacity building  for sustainable energy managementMinistry of Economy Republic of Moldova

Introduction of AEA, Petra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency 

Role of the Energy Efficiency Agency in the development of the energy sector and Correlation between the EEA and UNIDO Project tasksCalin NEGURA, Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency Agency

Background. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Moldova, Rainer Stifter, Energon

Communication Procedures Resources, Roles & Responsibilities, Petra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency, Rainer Stifter, Energon

Stakeholders MeetingPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency, Rainer Stifter, Energon

Work Streams and DeliverablesPetra Lackner, Austrian Energy Agency



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