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14.01.2011 npowerSmartSTOR demand service to generate £15m p/a
Energy utility npower and smart grid specialist Flexitricity have partnered to deliver a new service in the UK for energy consumers to earn income through reducing energy consumption and balancing energy generation with demand.
Accesări: 1055
14.01.2011 Dong Energy sends clean energy from Walney wind farm to UK grid
Danish utility has Dong Energy has started to sending electricity to the UK’s national grid from the Walney 1 Offshore Wind farm, off the coast of Cumbria.
Accesări: 1120
14.01.2011 China a ”suflat” Statelor Unite pozitia de lider mondial pe piata energiei eoliene
Potrivit unui raport realizat de o corporatie americana din sectorul componentelor pentru turbine eoliene, China a finalizat si dat in folosinta anul trecut de trei ori mai multe instalatii eoliene decat SUA, devenind astfel cea mai mare piata de energie eoliana a lumii, relateaza ”New York Times”.
Accesări: 720
13.01.2011 Bani pentru armata sau pentru energie verde? Razboiulinvestitiilor intre SUA si China
Cheltuielile militare ale Chinei se situeaza la doar la o sesime din bugetul alocat de SUA pentru armata, insa banii alocatidezvoltarii tehnologiilor energetice curate sunt duble fata de ale americanilor, potrivit “The Guardian”.
Accesări: 696
13.01.2011 China’s wind turbine giant Sinovel sees shares slide in initial trading
Chinese wind turbine manufacturing giant Sinovel has seen its shares drop significantly in the first day of trading.
Accesări: 1087
12.01.2011 IberdrolaRenovables grows Mexico presence with Gamesa wind farm buy-out
Spanish utility IberdrolaRenovableshas strengthened its presence in Mexico through the purchase of a wind farm from turbine major Gamesa.
Accesări: 1066
12.01.2011 Egypt unveils wind energy ambitions
Egypt will aim to kick-start its renewable energy industry by setting a target of generating 12 per cent of its entire power from wind over the next five years.
Accesări: 1088
12.01.2011 UE va adopta Foaia de parcurs in domeniul energiei pana in 2050
Comisia Europeana intentioneaza sa adopte, in a doua jumatate a anului 2010, Foaia de parcurs in domeniul energiei pana in anul 2050, potrivit unui comunicat al Ministerului Economiei, Comertului şi Mediului de Afaceri (MECMA).
Accesări: 777
11.01.2011 Mott MacDonald draws funding for first wind farm in Honduras
Global engineering consultancy Mott MacDonald has drawn down initial funding following a financial close in November to monitor construction of the first wind farm in Honduras.
Accesări: 1094
11.01.2011 Amtech Systems generates record Q1 revenue
Global automation system supplier Amtech Systems has preliminarily revealed that it generated record revenue and bookings for the financial quarter that closed in December, racking up a record future order backlog of $172m.
Accesări: 1057
11.01.2011 American Superconductor licences Chinese firm to manufacture turbines
Power engineers American Superconductor (AMSC) have licensed several wind turbine designs to state-owned Beijing Jingcheng New Energy (JCNE).
Accesări: 1308
11.01.2011 Eficienta energetica a Chinei va creste cu 20% in urmatorii 5 ani
China si-a impus un termen de 5 ani pentru a-si imbunatati eficienta energetica prin reducerea consumului industrial, chiar daca cresterea economica stimuleaza cererea de energie.
Accesări: 686
10.01.2011 Vestas wins second German order this year
Capping a flurry of New Year orders, Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas has secured a purchase of 19 of its V90 turbines from developer Boreas Energie for a project in Germany.
Accesări: 1094
10.01.2011 Standard&Poor's: Preturile instalatiilor solare vor scadea cu 13% in 2011
In plus, grupurile care activeaza pe alte segmente ale industriei solare ar trebui aiba o abordare integrala, pe verticala, si sa intre, la randul lor, pe piata celulelor si a panourilor fotovoltaice.
Accesări: 731
10.01.2011 Hotelul viitorului: Adapostulanti-schimbari climatice
O firma de arhitectura ruseasca a creat un adapostanti-schimbari climatice, un hotel futuristic ce poate rezista in fata cresterii nivelului apei si a altor efecte ale incalzirii globale, potrivit “DailyMail”.
Accesări: 698
07.01.2011 Vestas continues 2011 success with 50MW Chinese order
Wind energy giant Vestas is continuing its positive start to 2010 with a 50MW from China-based Hebei Construction Investment New Energy Company (HCINEC).
Accesări: 1148
07.01.2011 juwi to build world’s third largest solar rooftop project
Project developer juwi, through a partnership with PV julist, is to construct the world’s third largest rooftop solar power plant.
Accesări: 1158
05.01.2011 Remember the "Green economy"?
When the global bank HSBC came to name its latest report on the green economy, "Glimmer amid the gloom" was its optimistic choice.
Accesări: 1316
05.01.2011 EBRD invests €10m in Romania’s sustainable energy drive
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided OTP Bank Romania with a €10m loan to finance sustainable energy projects undertaken by local businesses.
Accesări: 1124
04.01.2011 Climate Change Could Have Major Impacts On Wind Resources
The wind industry sees climate change as an opportunity. In a world where reducing carbon will most likely be the norm, wind power is seen as valuable, in part, due to its lack of greenhouse gas emissions.
Accesări: 1052
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