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05.12.2011 Obama announces $4bn energy efficiency programme
US President Barack Obama has unveiled $4bn of public and private sector funding for energy efficiency upgrades to buildings over the next two years, the campaign is called the Better Buildings Challenge.
Accesări: 1084
05.12.2011 First Reserve enters $150m wind JV with Renovalia Energy
Private equity giant First Reserve has teamed with renewable energy company Renovalia Energy in a $150m joint venture that will own and operate wind projects in the US and Europe.
Accesări: 1195
05.12.2011 Finavera signs MoU for Canadian wind projects
Canadian cleantech company Finavera Wind Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding with tribal council the McLeod Lake Indian Band for the development of two wind farms in British Columbia.
Accesări: 1064
02.12.2011 GE, Göteborg Energi install 4.1MW offshore wind turbine
GE and Göteborg Energi have begun installing the first 4.1MW offshore wind turbine in Gothenburg Harbour in Sweden.
Accesări: 1285
02.12.2011 Gamesa opens sixth factory in China
European wind turbine developer Gamesa has cemented its presence in China with the opening of a sixth manufacturing plant.
Accesări: 1238
02.12.2011 EGP adauga 66 MW in Spania si Portugalia
Enel Green Power (EGP) a anuntat inauguarea a doua parcuri eoliene in Spania, Los Llanos si Granujales, cu o putere totala instalata de 62 MW, respectiv 38 MW si 24 MW, precum si cresterea capacitatii parcului eoliena Alvaiazere, Portugalia, cu 4MW.
Accesări: 802
01.12.2011 Principle, EDP deploy 2MW floating offshore wind turbine
Principle Power and Energias de Portugal have together successfully deployed an offshore 2MW floating wind device off the coast of Aguçadoura, Portugal.
Accesări: 1163
01.12.2011 First rooftop solar plant in Geneva goes live
The first roof-top solar plant in Geneva, Switzerland has been commissioned by an infrastructure fund.
Accesări: 1424
01.12.2011 Crown Estate welcomes Westermost Rough consent
The Crown Estate has welcomed the news from the Department of Energy and Climate Change that it has granted planning consent for the Westermost Rough, Round 2 off the Yorkshire coast in the UK.
Accesări: 1149
29.11.2011 UK’s sustainability opportunity ‘missed’ in Autumn Review
The UK’s Autumn Review today has confirmed a £200m incentive for the Green Deal but has missed a major opportunity in centering the country’s economic recovery around sustainable development.
Accesări: 1454
29.11.2011 SunPower delivers 12,000 PV panels to GDF subsidiary
US solar manufacturer SunPower has delivered 12,000 photovoltaic (PV) panels to La Compaignie du Vent, a subsidiary of French utility GDF Suez.
Accesări: 1450
29.11.2011 Siemens releases 6MW turbine for offshore wind market
Germany-headquartered electronics giant Siemens has unveiled a 6MW wind turbine for the offshore market.
Accesări: 1404
28.11.2011 ET Solar supplies transparent PV modules for French project
Chinese photovoltaic (PV) supplier ET Solar provided 2.56MW of panels for a greenhouse project in France that was developed by Classic Energy and Tritec.
Accesări: 1366
28.11.2011 Akuo purchases two French solar farms
French renewables developer Akuo Energy has purchased two solar farms in Gard region of France with a combined capacity of 5.89MW from an unnamed seller.
Accesări: 1367
25.11.2011 Vattenfall plans 567MW wind farm in North Sea
Swedish energy company Vattenfall is planning to build a 576MW offshore wind farm in the German North Sea.
Accesări: 1311
25.11.2011 Mitsubishi begins work on 7MW-plus offshore turbine
Japanese electronics giant Mitsubishi has unveiled that it is developing an offshore wind turbine with a minimum generating capacity of 7MW.
Accesări: 1606
25.11.2011 Proiectele eoliene sunt tot mai controversate din punctul de vedere al protectiei mediului
“In Dobrogea sunt construiti peste 1000 de stalpi de eoliene. Inclusiv in zone protejate. Nu stie nici Dumnezeu daca e bine sau nu e bine”, a avertizat secretarul de stat Silvian Ionescu, comisarul general al Garzii Nationale de Mediu.
Accesări: 935
23.11.2011 Vantul renteaza numai pentru cei mari
In teorie, oricine isi poate instala o turbina eoliana pentru a produce singur energia electrica necesara, insa costurile pentru achizitionarea si instalarea unui astfel de echipament pot ajunge pana la 8.000 de euro. De asemenea, amortizarea investitiei initiale se realizeaza intr-o perioada de pana la 20 de ani, in timp ce durata de viata a unei astfel de investitii este cuprinsa intre 10 si 30 de ani.
Accesări: 1144
23.11.2011 Fonduri europene pentru reabilitarea termica a cladirilor de locuit
Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Turismului (MDTR) va prezenta, in prima parte a anului viitor, o noua schema de finantare a lucrarilor de crestere a eficientei energetice prin fonduri europene nerambursabile.
Accesări: 957
22.11.2011 Vestas wins 59MW turbine order from Exelon
Danish wind energy company Vestas has received an order for turbines with a combined capacity of 59MW from Exelon Wind for a development in Michigan, US.
Accesări: 1259
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