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14.03.2012 Canadian Solar works with Lightsource Renewable Energy for UK PV projects
Canadian Solar has announced it has been working with UK solar project developer Lightsource Renewable Energy to complete four solar power plants across the UK.
Accesări: 1724
13.03.2012 Monsson experimenteaza noi surse
Monsson, cel mai mare dezvoltator de parcuri eoliene din Romania, si-a anuntat interesul si pentru alte tipuri de energie alternative in special pentru sectoarele hidro si fotovoltaic.
Accesări: 1250
06.03.2012 Building maintenance company PTS appoints renewables director
UK-based building maintenance business PTS has appointed Maxine Frost as its new renewables director to push forward the development of its product portfolio and service offering.
Accesări: 1799
06.03.2012 Statul investeste in eoliene
Companiile din sectorul energetic avand ca principal actionar Statul Roman au inceput primele investitii in sectorul eolian. Hidroelectrica, detinuta de statul roman in proportie de 80%, face primii pasi spre diversificarea surselor de producere a energiei verzi, printr-o investitie intr-un parc eolian cu o putere instalata de 15 MW, in zona Siretului, a declarat pentru Green Report, directorul general al companiei, Dragos Zachia-Zlatea.
Accesări: 1295
05.03.2012 SKF receives €40m order from Vestas
Swedish company SKF Group (SKF) has received an order from Demark-based Vestas, worth approximately SEK350m (€39.5m).
Accesări: 1701
05.03.2012 OSBIT Power innovation to be tested at Statoil’s Hywind project
OSBIT Power (OP) has begun offshore trials of its offshore wind access system, MaXccess, in Norway.
Accesări: 1668
05.03.2012 Forewind signs grid connections for 6GW Dogger Bank
Forewind has signed connection agreements with the UK’s National Grid for three further 1GW grid connections, adding to the 3GW signed since Dogger Bank was awarded in early-2010.
Accesări: 1553
04.03.2012 Bani pe vant
Dorinta de a obtine independenta energetica, dar si ambitia de a capata mult ravnitele etichete “verzi” determina marile companii, din intreaga lume, sa investeasca sume considerabile in vant, soare sau apa.
Accesări: 1111
29.02.2012 EDF to acquire assets, staff of bankrupt solar company Photowatt
The Commercial Court of Vienne in France has authorised EDF Energies Nouvelles Reparties to purchase the assets of bankrupt solar company Photowatt International.
Accesări: 3226
28.02.2012 UK’s David Brown Gear Systems awarded grant for 7MW turbine gearbox
UK engineering company David Brown Gear Systems has been awarded a £1.2m grant through the Offshore Wind Component Technologies Innovation programme to help develop a 7MW turbine gearbox.
Accesări: 1628
27.02.2012 RWE unveils 1.2GW offshore wind scheme
A key UK planning body is studying an application by the green arm of European utility RWE to build what would be the world’s largest offshore wind farm.
Accesări: 1608
27.02.2012 Macquarie Mexican Infrastructure Fund secures $686m to build wind farm
The Macquarie Mexican Infrastructure Fund (MMIF) has secured project financing worth MXN8,885.6m ($686m) for the construction of the 396MW Merena Renovables wind farm in Oaxaca, south-west Mexico.
Accesări: 1892
25.02.2012 Renewable energy riding high
China is putting greater emphasis on green energy as it tries to clean up industry and meet target for cuts in carbon emissions
Accesări: 1843
24.02.2012 SolarCity targets residential solar opportunities in New Jersey
Residential installer SolarCity has opened a new facility in New Jersey as it expands its presence in the region.
Accesări: 1602
24.02.2012 Iberdrola grows renewables capacity by 9% in 2011
Spanish utility Iberdrola increased its renewable energy capacity by 9.2 per cent to more than 13.6GW across 2011, its latest financial results show.
Accesări: 1850
21.02.2012 REpower wins 250MW French wind contract
German wind energy business REpower has been contracted by French company Maïa Eolis to supply turbines with a capacity of up to 250MW for onshore wind projects in France.
Accesări: 2207
21.02.2012 Apple to build solar array to power $1bn data centre
Global electronics giant Apple is planning to construct a solar energy array at its $1bn data centre in Maiden, North Carolina.
Accesări: 2485
20.02.2012 New York-listed Suntech rallies in fourth quarter
New York-listed solar company Suntech Power enjoyed a stronger than expected end to 2011, despite some cautious early guidance.
Accesări: 2194
20.02.2012 Asigurarea parcurilor eoliene
Domeniul eolian a cunoscut o efervescenta crescuta in ultimul an, insa asociate intotdeauna investitiilor sunt riscurile care pot intrerupe functionarea in bune conditii sau chiar intreruperea totala a activitatii parcului eolian, potrivit Marsh Romania. Astfel, riscurile se pot clasifica in functie de etapele de dezvoltare ale proiectului, in etapa de dezvoltare, constructie si operare.
Accesări: 1788
19.02.2012 Saudis Yet to Approve Renewable Energy Strategy, Official Says
Saudi Arabia has yet to approve the country’s renewable energy strategy that aims to reduce crude oil used for domestic power generation and water desalination, an official said today.
Accesări: 2170
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