APS, First Solar complete 17MW Arizona project
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US utility the Arizona Public Service Company (APS) and photovoltaic (PV) developer First Solar have completed installation of the 17MW Paloma plant, one of the first projects to reach commercial operation as part of the AZ Sun programme.


The first phase of the scheme will involve APS investing in the construction of 100MW of new solar facilities throughout Arizona. This is the first time that APS has worked with First Solar but more collaborations are expected as part of the AZ programme.

Earlier this week, APS placed the 17MW Cotton Center Solar Plant in commercial operation, both sites are located in Gila Bend near Phoenix.

Don Robinson, APS president and CEO, said, 'Solar energy is a critical part of our planning to meet the energy needs of APS customers. Our customers embrace solar power, just as we do. That's why we are so proud of the Paloma facility and our AZ Sun programme - we are developing large solar plants that take the amount of solar we provide to customers to a new level. We are also generating more than power from our solar development efforts - we're creating jobs.'

Jim Lamon, senior vice president of engineering, procurement, construction, operations and maintenance at First Solar, added, 'Paloma is the culmination of a successful partnership between APS, Gila Bend and First Solar. First Solar's efficient and innovative engineering and construction process, along with APS's leadership and Gila Bend's commitment in the renewable arena, led to this facility setting development records.'

First Solar recently released quarterly results showing an increase in sales for the most recent three months but total revenue for the year so far significantly down on 2010.


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