Global concentrated photovoltaics installations to reach 12.5 GW by 2020
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While total global installed capacity of concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) currently only numbers 23MW, the CPV market is expected to grow dramatically over the next three years to 12.5GW by 2020, according to the latest report from GlobalData.

Companies that have successfully operated CPV prototype systems in pilot locations are progressing towards multi-megawatt CPV projects. With an increased understanding of CPV in terms of technology and investment, most of the players have plans for large-scale CPV projects, according to the report.
Recent examples include Guascor Foton’s Navarre power plant and Murcia power plant, which are currently the largest CPV plants in the world with installed capacities of 7.8MW and 2MW, respectively.
Companies such as SolFocus, Amonix and ArimaEco are also planning to expand their production capacities in order to meet the upcoming demand.
Globally, Spain has the largest market for CPV installations. In the US, the major emerging companies are SolFocus, Amonix, EMCORE and Skyline Solar. European companies such as Concentrix, Abengoa Solar and ArimaEco have also started making progress in the CPV market.
Countries such as Italy, China, Australia, India and South Korea are also proving to be important emerging markets in the CPV industry. Italy’s CPV FIT program and China’s low-cost production and high DNI in western region are attracting CPV investors in these countries, the report found.
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