Low PV installation costs will drive solar power price competitiveness: EPIA study
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The compelling downward trend of photovoltaic (PV) installation cost translates into ever more competitive PV generated electricity, the European PV Industry Association (EPIA) revealed in a taster of its PV competitiveness study.

This competitive trend was evident across different market segments in major European countries, the EPIA said.
‘This study reveals once more the continuous price decrease of PV in the most prominent European markets, and the competitiveness of PV will be reached well before 2020 in all major market segments,’ said Ingmar Wilhelm, president of EPIA.
The PV Competing in the Energy Sector study addresses the potential of the existing distributed electricity network to absorb more PV generated energy, and works out the technical requirements necessary to host additional PV power.
‘Already today, many major grid operators recognise the importance of PV as a decentralised means of power generation in the low and medium voltage grid area,’ said Dr Winfried Hoffmann, vice president of EPIA.
The EPIA study was conducted in partnership with strategy consulting group AT Kearney and is due to be presented during a solar briefing in Brussels in April, EPIA said.
‘With the new study, the solar industry will be able to demonstrate the high potential of PV,’ added newly-elected EPIA board member Dr Martin Heming.
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