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Nordex to develop first wind project in South America
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The US division of European wind turbine manufacturer Nordex and Akuo Energy are set to develop a 50MW wind farm in Uruguay.


It represents the first project Nordex will deliver in South America, with the company responsible for delivery, installation and commissioning at the site.

Nordex is set to deliver the 21 turbines to be used on the development, which is expected to be operational by end of the year.

Power produced by the facility will be deployed by local utility Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas.

Ralf Sigrist, president and CEO of Nordex US, said, 'It is especially rewarding to extend our existing relationship with Akuo to a new country and a new continent. We are excited by the opportunities that Uruguay can offer as it fulfills its commitments to a renewable energy future.

'We know that our N117/2400, which is specifically designed for high yield in light wind regimes, will help to maximise the potential. The resulting net capacity factor for this site confirms how well-suited this turbine is for the prevailing conditions.'

Juan Negro, CEO of Akuo Energy Uruguay, added, 'This is an exciting time for Uruguay. We are happy to play a role as the country moves forward with its plans to diversify its energy matrix and incorporate wind energy as its primary source of renewable energy.

'We know from our past experiences with Nordex that our two companies together will deliver the quality and performance that UTE and the people of Uruguay demand. We're pleased to be leading with the introduction of the Nordex N117/2400 in Latin America.'



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