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Prima / Noutati / Akuo contracts Vestas for 42MW order in Uruguay
Akuo contracts Vestas for 42MW order in Uruguay
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Danish wind company Vestas has been contracted by Akuo Energy to supply 42MW of turbines for a project in Uruguay.


The 14-unit order comprises installation and commissioning, as well as a ten-year service and optimisation agreement.

Delivery is expected to commence in the third quarter, with commercial operation anticipated by the end of the year.

Juan Negro, CEO of Akuo Energy Uruguay, said, 'We are glad to be the first ones to install Vestas' V112-3MW turbine in the country as we believe that it will deliver an efficient power production and, thus, a high return on investment.

'At Akuo Energy we are always looking for the best technological solutions based on the resources available and specific local requirements of each particular project and we chose Vestas to provide us with its technologically advanced wind generating solutions for cost-effective wind power plants.'

Miguel Picardo Troyano, vice president of South America for Vestas, added, 'It is a pleasure for us to announce the signature of this new contract with Akuo Energy for Uruguay, whose renewable energy agenda we have always been strongly supporting.

'We look forward to continuing working with Akuo Energy and expanding wind power in the country.'


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