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Prima / Noutati / First Solar starts work on 139MW California PV plant
First Solar starts work on 139MW California PV plant
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US-based First Solar has commenced construction of the 139MW Campo Verde photovoltaic (PV) facility, located in Imperial County, California.


The development is expected to produce local economic activity, according to a county survey.

It gained the approval it needed to proceed on 18 December 2012 from the Imperial Valley Irrigation District (IID), following concerns over a transmission line crossing a canal in the area.

Ray Castillo, County Board President for Imperial Valley, said, 'The County of Imperial is very pleased to see the commencement of construction of the Campo Verde solar project, which brings numerous benefits to the Valley and our citizens.

'First Solar's project brings much needed jobs and economic development to the Valley at a time when it is sorely needed. The project also pays added tax revenue, funds for agricultural benefits and community benefits while helping the county diversify its economy. We've been working to attract projects like this for the past five or six years and are glad to see it's finally happening. These projects are really our legacy for the Imperial Valley.'

James Cook, First Solar project development director, added, 'First Solar is grateful to the IID, Imperial County, and the US Bureau of Land Management for their support of this project. Campo Verde is creating badly needed jobs and will help the county and state reach their renewable energy goals.'



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