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Prima / Noutati / UK government puts £100,000 up for grabs for efficiency training
UK government puts £100,000 up for grabs for efficiency training
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The UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has put £100,000 up for grabs to support energy efficiency skills training.


he competition will be open to bids for training programmes that improve the skills of individuals responsible for energy use in non-domestic premises.

Proposals will be judged by DECC on a range of criteria, including value for money, deliverability and "fit with the Department's strategic priorities".

But training providers only have until January 4, 2013 to bid for their share of the £100,000.

The move is the latest by the government to boost energy efficiency across all sectors. The Green Deal is due to go into full operation next month and the government has published a wide-ranging energy efficiency strategy alongside the Energy Bill.


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