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Prima / Noutati / UK launches bid to revitalise its nuclear industry
UK launches bid to revitalise its nuclear industry
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UK Energy Minister John Hayes and Business and Enterprise Minister Michael Fallon have launched a new plan to revitalize the country's nuclear industry.


The Nuclear Supply Chain Action Plan, which the government developed in partnership with the industry, lays out initiatives to help ensure that the country's supply chain is competitive and ready to deliver a new generation of reactors.

The key actions of the plan include the creation of the Nuclear Industry Council, which will start meeting next year, and the establishment of working groups made up of members from major companies in each sub-sector of the industry.

The Nuclear Manufacturing Research Centre will also provide advice to small to medium sized businesses on how to secure big contracts in the nuclear industry, while action on skills will aim to attract new entrants to the sector.

"Our Action Plan for the nuclear supply chain will set out how the UK can make the most of future opportunities presented by around £60 billion of new investment," explains Hayes.

And in a boost for the sector, it was also announced that 500 skilled positions will be recruited at the Sellafield nuclear facility in Cumbria.
But the news comes as Italian utility Enel drops out of its plans with EDF to build a series of new nuclear reactors in France citing delays and overspend.


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