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Trident Energy to test marine device at Scottish port
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UK cleantech innovator Trident Energy has secured a lease at Kishorn Port in Scotland to test its PowerPod wave energy solution.


The technology is designed to attach to offshore infrastructure, such as oil and gas rigs, to supply off-grid renewable power and reduce reliance on diesel.

During the tests at Kishorn, the device will be attached to the side of a deep-water jetty.

Jonathan Armstrong, COO of Trident Energy, said, 'Looking for a jetty on which to test our co-located wave technology posed two challenges. First, jetties are largely in sheltered locations. Second, most structurally sound jetties have other on-going operations.

'Kishorn represents a great solution - the site is a legacy from oil and gas construction in the 1970s and offers a substantial, unused deep-water jetty which is exposed to energetic waves from the SW. The management team at Kishorn Port have been extremely supportive and we look forward to working with them as we install and test our PowerPod technology.'

Alasdair Ferguson, director of Kishorn Port, added, 'Both myself and my fellow Director in KPL, Simon Russell are delighted that Trident Energy have chosen Kishorn Port as their preferred site for testing their Power Pod - Wave Energy Device.

'Potential projects and developments on site for the Renewable Energy sector for offshore wind, wave and tidal will be able to utilise the exceptionally deep water, berths, dry dock, quarry and expansive laydown land which Kishorn Port has to offer.'


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