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SVA and E.ON partner for wind expansion in Sweden
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Swedish energy group SCA and E.ON have signed a joint venture agreement to develop a number of wind power projects in Sweden.


The contract covers the areas operated by SCA Vind until the licence application, including Hästkullen and Björnlandhöjden in Härnösand, and Kramfors and Timrå municipalities, all in Sweden.

The agreement also covers wind power projects in southern Ånge and in Ljusdal.

Head of SCA Energy, Åke Westberg , said, 'The joint venture includes approximately 270 wind power stations and a total energy production of more than 2TWh, corresponding to the electricity required for warming 100,000 Swedish households.'

Future investment decisions can be expected by 2014 or 2015 at the earliest. The projects are expected to be operational by 2016 to 2017 at the earliest.



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