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Prima / Noutati / Gamesa wins 3.8GW supply deal with Iberdrola
Gamesa wins 3.8GW supply deal with Iberdrola
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Spanish energy supplier Iberdrola has signed a framework agreement committing it to purchase at least 50 per cent of wind turbines for onshore projects from Gamesa.


The arrangement will run between 2012 and 2022, or until the capacity of turbines exceeds 3,800MW, whichever comes first. The companies also resolved to work together on operation and maintenance (O&M), with Gamesa winning a contract to service 1,748.3MW of turbines in Spain and Portugal.

In addition, the partners will embark upon new areas of research in the provision of O&M, management of these services in the US and other programmes for enhancing the reliability of wind turbines and extending their life-cycle.

The companies will also consider supply arrangements for the offshore market.

Jorge Calvet, CEO of Gamesa, said, 'The agreement establishes a new foundation for cooperation in response to the economic and industry environment of recent years, affords us stability and expands the framework cooperation agreement to Gamesa's key areas of growth for coming years: supplying wind turbines, but also O&M services and offshore, all of which the company is firmly committed to developing.'



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