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Prima / Noutati / WE Energies completes 162MW wind farm
WE Energies completes 162MW wind farm
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US energy distributor WE Energies has completed the installation of the 162MW Glacier Hills Wind Park, now the largest wind farm in the state of Wisconsin.


When all costs are finalised, the development is expected to come in below the target cost of $363.7m set by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. The facility consists of 90 Vestas turbines over 17,000 acres of farmland in Columbia County.

The company is currently building a 50MW biomass plant in Rothschild Wisconsin, expected to become operational by 2013.

Gale Klappa, chairman, president and CEO of the Wisconsin Energy Corporation, parent company of WE Energies, said, 'The completion of Glacier Hills on time and on budget was achieved largely through the talents of Wisconsin companies and Wisconsin labour. The successful commissioning of this project would not have been possible without the strong support and cooperation we've received from the communities of Randolph and Scott and from the officials in Columbia County.'


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