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Prima / Noutati / REC wins 60MW panel contract from GP Joule
REC wins 60MW panel contract from GP Joule
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Scandinavian cleantech company the REC Group has won a contract to supply solar modules with a combined capacity of 60MW to GP Joule for two European projects.


The company will supply 40MW of panels for a development near brodeaux, France, and 20MW for an installation in Germany. Deliveries are set to commence this month with the rest of the equipment set to get to location over the first six months of 2012.

Luc Graré, senior vice president of sales and marketing for REC, said, 'REC is very pleased to work with such an experienced partner and to see that large-scale projects are being realised in key European solar markets despite many challenges.'

Ove Petersen, CEO of GP Joule, added, 'REC was selected as our module supplier because of the high quality of their modules and the reliability of the supplier combined with a strong value proposition which will help us to secure a solid return on the projects we are developing.'

In September GP Joule connected a 97MW photovoltaic array to the grid in Germany, one of the largest of its kind in the country.



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