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Triodos to develop 9th renewable energy project
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Triodos Renewables, the development arm of the UK-based sustainability-focused bank, is to develop a wind project in the county of Suffolk.


The development of Eye will be the developer's ninth renewables project and the fourth developed on a brownfield site.

The project is due to be operational later this year with energy from the turbines bought by Humphrey Group, which has premises adjacent to the site.

Triodos Renewables managing director Matthew Clayton said, 'We've ambitious plans for 2013, and Eye wind farm's development will get us off to the best possible start.

'It's particularly exciting to see another development happening on a brownfield site with a long industrial heritage, and to be able to support the Humphrey Group's environmental efforts by providing them with clean energy at source.'

Triodos Renewables has over 5,000 shareholders and is the UK's most widely-owned renewable energy company.



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