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BASIC meeting ends without consensus on climate change
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A meeting of the BASIC group, formed by Brazil, South Africa, India and China, ended on Monday without consensus on a unified plan to deal with the global climate change.

The group, which met in Rio over the weekend, tried to reach a common ground on the maximum limit of carbon emissions for developing countries, to be presented to the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference, which will take place in Cancun, Mexico, in November.
As they failed to reach a common ground, the four countries decided to hold another meeting in Beijing in October. According to Brazilian Environment Minister Izabela Teixeira, the countries expect to achieve a convergent position at the Beijing meeting so they can work together in Cancun.
In Beijing, the BASIC countries will discuss the impacts of the carbon emission reduction on the economic development of developing countries.
Teixeira stressed that the Rio meeting is the first talks attended by technical personnel from the BASIC countries.
The minister also highlighted the transparency of the conversations and the presentation of concrete figures on each countries' situation.

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