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Reid Committed To Both Climate, Immigration Bills
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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said on Tuesday he is committed to passing both climate-change and immigration-reform legislation this year.

While the two efforts are widely seen as election-year long-shots, Reid, a Democrat, said, "I am committed to doing both this session of Congress.
"Others may have given up on immigration reform," Reid told reporters on Capitol Hill. "I haven't."
Bipartisan talks aimed at reaching a compromise agreement on a climate-change bill, which would include provisions aimed at reducing pollution blamed for global warming, collapsed on Saturday after reports Reid may bring up immigration reform in the Senate. Republicans complained there was no way to pass immigration reform and accused Reid of trying to attract Hispanic support for his November re-election bid in Nevada.
Reid said he would be willing to bring up a climate-change bill next. But at this point, there is no climate-change or immigration bill ready for consideration. Reid said both issues are critical to the nation's economic security.
Revamping U.S. immigration laws shot onto the agenda after Arizona passed tough legislation last week against illegal immigration, angering President Barack Obama.

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