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Home / News / Dialight sees share price rise as it wins solar thermal project order
Dialight sees share price rise as it wins solar thermal project order
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Shares of London-listed Dialight rose yesterday after the company won a major order to supply equipment to a 250MW solar thermal project in California, US.


The LED manufacturer will supply more than 1,000 lighting fixtures with a total contract value of $400,000.

The plant - as yet unnamed - comprises two separate 125MW facilities.

The order was placed following an extensive payback analysis and 100 per cent of the plant's lighting is now provided by Dialight LED fixtures, it said in a statement.

Roy Burton, Dialight's Group CEO, said, 'This order signals further penetration of the clean energy market and is a clear illustration of how our lighting fixtures can be used in the most diverse of environments.

'The durability of our lighting is clearly being recognised by major engineering firms as part of the specification process and LED lighting is well placed to adapt to different conditions.'

Earlier this year, the business completed the acquisition of assets owned by Airinet, a lighting controls business, for $2.6m.

The deal was forged through Dialight's US subsidiary and could see additional sums payable based on future revenue through to 2020 of up to $7.4m.


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