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Peel Energy’s Cheshire wind farm gets the go ahead
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Peel Energy has been given the go ahead by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change for its 57 MW wind farm in Cheshire.


The development of 19 turbines near Frodsham in the northwest will generate enough power for the town and its neighbours Helsby and Elton.

As well as avoiding up to 50,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, the wind farm will also generate revenue for a newly-established community fund.

The development will also create 50 construction jobs when work starts.

Peel Energy has also been given the go ahead by the Environment Agency for a 20 MW energy-from-waste plant at Trafford Boulevard next to the Manchester Ship Canal.

The Barton Renewable Energy Plant will use recycled wood, virgin timber, energy crops and agricultural residues to generate power for up to 37,000 homes.


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