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Home / News / UK energy firms have to put customers on lowest tariff… or will they?
UK energy firms have to put customers on lowest tariff… or will they?
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Speaking during Question Time yesterday, UK Prime Minister David Cameron promised new legislation will require energy companies to put customers on the lowest tariff.


But today, Energy Minister John Hayes failed to confirm Cameron's promise, saying only that the government will "use the Energy Bill to get people lower tariffs".

Instead, he told the House of Commons this morning that a range of different options will be discussed.

The furore has erupted over recent days as concerns have grown over rising energy prices as four of the UK's big six energy companies announce above-inflation increases.

Earlier this week, consumer group Which? called for an urgent review of energy pricing, but the government said another review would be a waste of time.

Regardless, consumers will have to wait until the Energy Bill is published sometime this autumn. In the meantime, the government is urging consumer to switch supplier to get a better deal.


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