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Prima / Noutati / Scottish emissions up 3% in 2010, but trend still downwards
Scottish emissions up 3% in 2010, but trend still downwards
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Scottish greenhouse gas emissions were up 3.1% in 2010 on the previous year, but still show an overall downward reduction of 22.8% on 1990 levels.


According to the figures from Scotland's Chief Statistician published yesterday, the basket of six greenhouse gases are estimated to be 55.7 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (MtCO2e) during the year.

When emissions are adjusted to take account of trading in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), the increase is 1.9% on the previous year to reach an estimated 54.714 MtCO2e.

But the annual target for Scotland for the year is only 53.652 MtCO2e.
The statistics reveal a large increase in greenhouse gas emissions from the energy supply and residential sectors, up 12% and 15% respectively on the previous year.

The exceptionally cold weather is largely blamed for the increase, with the average temperature between for January-March and October-December the lowest since 1919.

Aviation and shipping showed the largest decrease of 12% during 2010, while agriculture and waste management also saw emissions down 3%. Transport other than aviation and shipping managed just a 1% reduction. Overall, however, transport emissions are up 2% on 1990 levels.

The long-term picture reveals major decreases in emissions from the business and industrial sectors, waste management, agriculture, energy supply and the public sector since 1990.

"It is no surprise that domestic heating emissions rose as a result of the extreme weather. [But] The longer term trend reveals Scottish greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by around a quarter since 1990, signalling we are still on track to achieve the 2020 target," commented Scottish Environment and Climate Change Minister Stewart Stevenson. "We always knew it would be a challenging path to follow when these were set and that year to year fluctuations were inevitable."

He added that 62% of Scottish households now have a good energy efficiency rating, up from 55% in 2009, and the Scottish Government has a new national retrofit programme to tackle the rest.

Later this year, the Scottish Government will put forward new proposals and policies for cutting greenhouse gas emissions even further.



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