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Prima / Noutati / Energy efficiency and microgeneration gets £8 million boost in South West
Energy efficiency and microgeneration gets £8 million boost in South West
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A new £8 million initiative was launched last week to give a boost to energy efficiency and microgeneration efforts in the South West of England.


The Ready for Retrofit programme from the Energy Saving Trust, Regen SW, social housing providers and local authority partners aims to help local businesses get ready for new government initiatives like the Green Deal, Renewable Heat Incentive and Energy Company Obligation, as well as existing ones like the feed-in tariff.

The programme will invest more than £6.5 million in energy efficiency and microgeneration measures for social housing by supporting local businesses from Devon to Bristol to develop new products and services.

Local trades people will also be helped to improve their energy efficiency knowledge to pass onto customers.

"This is a major break-through for the South West, giving a huge boost to the local economy, supporting business to help tens of thousands of people reduce their fuel bills and making the region a more sustainable place to live and work," says Ian Hutchcroft, head of the Energy Saving Trust for the south of England.



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