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First Solar to develop 20MW Maryland project, appoints commercial officer
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First Solar said it will take complete control over the development of the 20MW Maryland Solar photovoltaic (PV) and at the same time has appointed John Hughes to newly-created position of chief commercial officer.


The project has been contracted to sell electricity and renewable energy credits to FirstEnergy Solutions and construction is expected to begin in the second quarter of 2012, with hopes of finishing it in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Frank De Rosa, First Solar senior vice president for business development, said, 'First Solar is pleased to continue its work in Maryland to help the state meet its renewable energy goals.

'We are excited about moving forward on this project, which is expected to provide 125 construction jobs.'

Meanwhile, in the new role Hughes will focus on accelerating First Solar's entry into emerging markets.

Mike Ahearn, First Solar's chairman and interim CEO said, 'Jim is extraordinarily prepared to help First Solar open new markets and reach revenue goals.

'We will benefit greatly from his diverse and extensive global and operational experience in the energy sector.'


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