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Impact of climate change gathers int'l experts in Maputo
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The Mozambican capital Maputo is hosting a meeting of African, European and Latin American experts on climate change and its effects on the African continent.

Located in Southern Africa, Mozambique is among the vulnerable countries to climate change impacts, according to experts of the gathering which was opened on Wednesday.
Anabela Lemos from the Friends of the Earth Environment Justice told Radio Mozambique the that this is an unequal opportunity for the Portuguese-speaking nation and Africans to debate urgent issues with experts from all around the world.
Lemos said there should be a common effort to qualify and expand the debate upon the exploration of natural resources for a better engagement of environment, a good governance and development of the continent.
The meeting will also analyze violation of human rights following the intensification of human resources exploitation which is forcing vulnerable communities to be moved from one place to another.
Participants of the meeting include experts from Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Mauritius, Nigeria Sierra Leon, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, England, Uruguay, Swaziland, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, the Netherlands, Costa Rica, the Comoros and Chad.

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