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Queen’s speech outlines next steps towards UK’s low-carbon economy
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The Queen’s speech yesterday outlined the UK Government’s next steps towards a low-carbon economy.
Topping the agenda is the latest energy bill, which will put a £9.5 billion levy on electricity generators to support four carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects.
The CCS Incentive was part of the National Policy Statements announced by Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband last week.
However, the Government’s much vaunted CCS competition is floundering, with only two candidates left in the running – Scottish Power’s Longannet proposal and E.ON’s mothballed project at Kingsnorth.
The new energy bill will also establish a mandatory scheme to help the country’s most vulnerable households with their energy bills and measures to strengthen the powers of the energy regulator Ofgem to police carbon emissions from energy generators.

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