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Prima / Noutati / MetLife invests in BP Solar project
MetLife invests in BP Solar project
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Global insurance provider MetLife has become an investment partner in the Long Island Solar Farm, a 32MW solar energy project being constructed by BP Solar at the US government’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York.

BP Solar is in the process of building the 200-acre facility and said it expects the project to become operational later this year.
The solar development arm of oil giant BP will operate and maintain the project, selling electricity to the Long Island Power Authority from it under a 20-year power purchase agreement.
‘At MetLife, we recognise the multiple benefits that come with being an investment partner in projects like this solar farm,’ said Steve Kandarian, executive vice president and chief investment officer for MetLife.
‘In addition to aligning strongly with our high quality investment philosophy, this project also enables us to further our commitment to supporting efforts that truly drive sustainability.’
The project is expected to generate electricity to power close to 4,500 households in the locality, according to BP Solar.
CP Energy served as financial advisor to MetLife on the transaction.

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