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Home / News / Greater Gabbard wind farm supplies electricity to UK grid
Greater Gabbard wind farm supplies electricity to UK grid
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One of the UK’s biggest offshore wind farm, the Greater Gabbard project, has sent electricity back to the UK grid for the first time.

The development comes almost in parallel with Walney wind farm going live, underpinning a new stage in the country’s use of offshore wind energy.
Utility Southern and Scottish Energy owns a 50 per cent in the project, which is being developed alongside the UK subsidiary of RWE Innogy.
Colin Hood, COO of SSE, said the week marks a major milestone in the development of both wind power plants.
‘As the UK’s leading generator of electricity from renewable sources, SSE is committed to helping to increase further the amount of renewable electricity generation in the UK, and the export of electricity at Walney and Greater Gabbard is a step towards achieving this,’ Hood said.
Despite power being sent to the grid, construction of the project is not expected to be complete until 2012.
Greater Gabbard overview:
Project overview: 2009 to 2012
Location: 15 miles of the UK coast at Sizewell.
Cost: £1.3bn
Capacity: 500MW
Homes powered: Approx 530,000

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