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SEE Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency 2009
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SEE Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency 2009

With recent concern over the dependency of energy supply to the SEE region there has been a need to invest in structuring new Renewable Energy projects and creating better Energy Eciency. While the amount of energy needed per unit of GDP in South East Europe is double that to the rest of Europe there have been recent incentives to provide growth in this most vital of marketplaces.
On an International scale there is an increasing understanding that the global ecosystem is a fragile thing that will require immediate attention towards greenhouse gas emission reduction. As a global leader European member states are constantly incorporating new legislation to promote clean, sustainable energy sources and with specic targets to be met in compliance with the EU ETS 2020 scheme and there is growing urgency for project financing.
Unfortunately, legislation in some of the SEE countries needs some improvement and lack of co-ordination between public authorities and international nancial institutions is prohibiting growth and expansion in this marketplace. It is essential that senior level decision makers come together in order to communicate ideas and generate networking opportunities. Our SEE Renewable Energy & Energy Eciency event will do just that and as a result of recent investment opportunities and technological improvements in the market. Our aim is to provide an event that will bring together business and industry leaders as well as governmental bodies to review and enhance upon the current market trends and developments.
Growing on years of successful conferences in Renewable Energy industry EastEuro Link will again provide an event that is not to be missed. Our panel of speakers will provide keynote addresses and panel discussions to provide you with a most informative overview and essential projections into the future of this expanding marketplace.
All key areas will be discussed with regards to legislation & regulation, investment & nancing, project development aGain insights into the vital issues:potential in many Renewable Energy sectors such as Wind, Solar/Photovoltaic, Hydro, Geothermal, & Biogas, which is just to name a few, there will be no area left untouched on the day. There will also be time for networking with sponsors, speakers, & delegates alike!

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