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Prima / Noutati / Largest onshore wind turbine order for Siemens signals US growth
Largest onshore wind turbine order for Siemens signals US growth
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Power gargantuan Siemens has announced its largest order to date for onshore wind turbines, from a US energy company, signalling its growth in the country’s renewables market.

The order will see it deliver and install 258 of its popular 2.3MW wind turbines to three MidAmerican Energy Company wind projects in Iowa between mid-2011 and early 2012, Siemens said. The combined capacity of the order from Iowa’s largest power company represents 593MW.
The scope of the MidAmerican Energy order includes the supply and commissioning of the turbines; together with a service, maintenance and warranty agreement.
Siemens and MidAmerican Energy first partnered on the Adair wind project in Iowa in 2008 with a supply order for 76 turbines.
Siemens’s US expansion
The major new order provides evidence of the long-term future of the US renewable energy market and positions Siemens for growth in the country’s renewables market, it said.
‘Orders of this magnitude create the environment for continued investment in the infrastructure America needs to meet the strong demand for clean energy right where it’s used,’ said Randy Zwirn, president and CEO of Siemens Energy.
Siemens Energy power systems already generate more than one-third of the electricity used in the US, and hopes for similar widespread adoption of its renewable energy technology in the country.
Since 2005, Siemens has made significant strides to grow its presence in the wind energy industry in the US, since opening a turbine blade factory in Fort Madison, Iowa in 2007. The conglomerate employs 1,500 in its US wind business, which has installed 3.6GW of combined capacity in the country.
Siemens Energy division recently opened a new wind turbine nacelle assembly facility in Hutchinson, Kansas; committing to further production expansion as the US market continues to grow.
US onshore wind market
Siemens has adopted a US growth strategy that anticipates continued growth in the US renewable energy market.
Siemens Renewable Energy CEO Rene Umlauft said, ‘As the US market for wind power continues to develop even further, Siemens will continue to create clean energy jobs.’
The wind turbines under the new order will be produced in Siemens’ new hutchinson facility, as well as in its factories in Fort Madison and Iowa.
Iowa has a higher percentage of wind energy generation in its mix than any other US state and continues to be a hub for wind energy growth in the US.
‘The projects make good economic sense for Iowa and our customers, as the state continues to benefit from…additional renewable energy generating capacity,’ said Bill Fehrman, president of MidAmerican Energy.

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