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UK calls for second Kyoto commitment period
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The UK government has called for a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol at the Cancún negotiations, in order to prevent global temperatures rising beyond a dangerous two degrees Celsius threshold.

Legally-binding global emissions reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol are due to expire post-2012, and pledges made through the Copenhagen Accord are not legally-binding.
‘A car crash of a summit is in no one’s interest,’ said UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne at the climate talks in Mexico.
‘We believe that the future of the Kyoto Protocol is vital to the success of this process.’
The UK’s hopes are in line with the European Union for a legally-binding extension of the Kyoto Protocol, as part of a wider outcome engaging all major economies, according to Huhne.
The UK government has committed to deliver £2.9bn over the next four years to help developing countries tackle climate change.
‘We have fulfilled our Fast Start pledge and are fully committed to the long-term goal of $100bn a year in climate finance by 2020,’ said Huhne.
‘A global deal on climate change is not an impossible dream.’

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