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Home / News / Czech Republic puts tax on PV feed-in tariff, dents investor confidence
Czech Republic puts tax on PV feed-in tariff, dents investor confidence
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The government of the Czech Republic has ruled that all photovoltaic (PV) plants receiving the fixed 20-year feed-in tariff (FIT) will have to pay tax on the revenues generated with immediate effect.

The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) said the ruling will shatter the confidence of investors, particularly because the amendment to the Renewable Energy Act has a retroactive effect.
The government foresees that in the next three years, PV plants larger than 30kWp that were set up in 2009 and 2010 will have to pay a tax of 26 per cent of revenues generated, EPIA said.
EPIA secretary general (ad interim) Eleni Despotou said, ‘The PV sector unanimously condemns the measure; investors have based their confidence on the stability that the feed-in-tariff scheme brings since it is guaranteed by the law.
‘This decision will clearly break their trust in the renewable technology as a reliable investment and in the reliability of Czech republic as a safe place for investment.’
The retroactive nature of the ruling changes the conditions guaranteed to the operators of solar power plants already on the grid in 2009 and 2010.

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