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Dow Brazil launches environmentally-friendly thermal insulation
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Dow Brazil has launched a new generation of foams for ‘environmentally-friendly’ thermal insulation, which combine with expanders that it said ‘cause no direct impact on global warming’.

The global chemical giant has also invested €2m in establishing a new technology centre in the country’s largest city, São Paulo, which will produce a new generation of foams for thermal insulation.
The Dow Chemical Company, which has operated in Brazil since 1956, is set to open its Technology and Market Development Center for Polyurethanes and Formulated Sustems in the city of Jundiaí in January.
The facility will be able to simulate the production of foams, with a view to accelerating the development of new solutions, according to the company.
The laboratory, which covers a 1,200 square-meter area, will also provide chemical and physical chemical analyses, and characterisation of physical properties, as well as housing simulated production equipment.
‘In addition to state-of-the-art machinery, the center will count on a technical team of skilled professionals engaged in market and technological trends,’ said Marco Fay, director of formulated systems for Dow Brazil.
Dow operates similar technology centres in the US, Europe and Asia, which it plans to integrate in order to access new technologies and trends and make them available to the market. It said that global alignment will be the major driving force for the development of innovative solutions for the Brazilian and Latin American markets.
The distinguishing features of the new Brazilian centre are the formulation line for the manufacturing of flexible foams, together with the physical property characterisation.

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