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05.02.2010 Indian PM backs UN climate panel
NEW DELHI (AFP) – Indian Premier Manmohan Singh on Friday lent his support to the beleaguered UN climate change panel, saying a glaring error in the body's key 2007 report did not change the science of global warming.
Accesări: 211
05.02.2010 Tibetul a inregistrat temperaturi record in 2009
Temperatura medie in Tibet a crescut in 2009 pana la un nivel record de cand au inceput monitorizarile meteorologice in regiunea muntilor Himalaya, transmite Reuters.
Accesări: 153
04.02.2010 Spain Sees Emissions To 2012 Breaching Kyoto Limit
MADRID - Spain on Tuesday predicted on Wednesday that its greenhouse gas emissions in the 2008-12 period will be almost 20 percent above the upper limit it was set in 1990 under the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 206
04.02.2010 India asks G-77 to stay united over climate change talks
UNITED NATIONS: India has asked the Group of 77 developing countries to stay united to see that climate change negotiations address "the glaring
Accesări: 225
03.02.2010 Phishing attack nets 3 million euros of carbon permits
The international carbon market has been hit by a phishing attack which saw an estimated 250,000 permits worth over 3 million euros stolen this week.
Accesări: 375
03.02.2010 EU agrees billions to fund renewables, CCS
EU member states this week (2 February) agreed how to allocate billions worth of EU money from the bloc's emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) to support renewable energies and emerging technology to capture carbon dioxide and store it underground.
Accesări: 262
03.02.2010 Emisiile Marii Britanii au scazut cu 2% in 2008
Emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale Marii Britanii au scazut cu aproape 2% in 2008, arata cifrele oficiale prezentate recent, informeaza Guardian.
Accesări: 142
02.02.2010 55 de tari si-au anuntat tintele pentru emisii
55 de tari, responsabile pentru aproape 80% din emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera ale planetei, si-au confirmat la ONU tintele de reducere a acestora, potrivit acordului semnat in decembrie la Copenhaga, transmite Reuters.
Accesări: 129
01.02.2010 World’s Biggest Emitters Sign Up to Copenhagen Accord
China, the U.S. and the 27-nation European Union signed up to the Copenhagen Accord, giving life to the first climate-protection agreement that contains numerical goals for all the biggest greenhouse-gas emitters.
Accesări: 210
01.02.2010 55 countries send UN their carbon-curbing plans
Fifty-five countries have submitted pledges for curbing greenhouse gas emissions to the UN climate convention.
Accesări: 198
01.02.2010 Major emitters set carbon goals after Copenhagen
Fifty-five countries accounting for almost 80 percent of world greenhouse gas emissions have pledged varying goals for fighting climate change under a deadline in the "Copenhagen Accord," the United Nations said on Monday.
Accesări: 206
01.02.2010 Nations quietly reaffirm Copenhagen climate pledges
The world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases have reaffirmed their emissions reduction goals, quietly meeting a United Nations deadline for the endorsement of December’s Copenhagen Accord.
Accesări: 262
01.02.2010 Global deal on climate change in 2010 'all but impossible'
A global deal to tackle climate change is all but impossible in 2010, leaving the scale and pace of action to slow global warming in coming decades uncertain, according to senior figures across the world involved in the negotiations.
Accesări: 217
01.02.2010 SUA isi reduc emisiile cu 28%
Presedintele american Barack Obama a anuntat vineri ca tara sa isi va reduce emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera cu 28% pana in 2020, transmite Reuters.
Accesări: 157
01.02.2010 FMI ar putea infiinta un fond verde, care sa ajute statele sa faca fata incalzirii climatice
Fondul Monetar International (FMI) lucreaza la crearea unui "fond verde", pentru a ajuta tarile membre sa faca fata consecintelor incalzirii climatice, a anuntat directorul general al Fondului, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, la forumul economic de la Davos, relateaza NewsIn.
Accesări: 156
31.01.2010 Copenhagen climate deal gets low-key endorsement
OSLO, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Nations accounting for most of the world's greenhouse gas emissions have restated their promises to fight climate change, meeting a Sunday deadline in a low-key endorsement of December's "Copenhagen Accord".
Accesări: 343
31.01.2010 States renew vows to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Governments around the world have reaffirmed their plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions in support of last month's Copenhagen climate summit.
Accesări: 300
30.01.2010 Canada files emissions target with UN
Canada has aligned itself with U.S. policy as it gave the United Nations its target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions under the Copenhagen Accord.
Accesări: 292
29.01.2010 UE si SUA si-au confirmat tintele pentru emisii la ONU
Uniunea Europeana si Statele Unite au confirmat Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite obiectivele de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera pentru anul 2020, de 20% si respectiv 17%, transmite Reuters.
Accesări: 145
29.01.2010 UE incearca sa construiasca pe fundatia acordului de la Copenhaga
UE si-a oficializat sprijinul pentru Acordul de la Copenhaga privind schimbarile climatice si si-a prezentat angajamentele privind obiectivele de reducere a emisiilor. Printr-o scrisoare comuna cu Presedintia spaniola, Comisia a anuntat oficial dorinta UE de a fi asociata la Acord si a amintit obiectivele de reducere a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de sera stabilite de UE pentru 2020: reducerea emisiilor globale ale UE cu 20% fata de nivelurile din 1990 si o oferta conditionata de a creste la 30% acest procentaj.
Accesări: 171
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