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14.04.2011 Business leaders participate in UN-backed debate on green economy
Some 200 representatives from business and industry, governments and civil society have concluded United Nations-supported discussions in Paris on the role of the private sector in the global transition towards a low carbon, resource-efficient green economy.
Accesări: 237
14.04.2011 Arctic climate change a "crucial foreign policy issue" being ignored: ex-foreign minister.
Arctic climate change is one of the most crucial foreign and environmental policy issues facing Canada, but it has largely been ignored by all parties in the current federal election, says former foreign minister Lloyd Axworthy, president and vice-chancellor of the University of Winnipeg, speaking at a Toronto event to discuss a report on Arctic climate change released this week by U.S.-based Aspen Institute.
Accesări: 242
13.04.2011 German cabinet relaunches carbon storage bill
(Reuters) - Germany's government on Wednesday relaunched legislation to back development of the carbon capture and storage technology (CCS) needed for coal-fired power generation, the environment ministry said.
Accesări: 233
12.04.2011 Germany Greenhouse Emissions Rose 4.3% in 2010, Stayed Below Kyoto Target
German greenhouse-gas emissions rose 4.3 percent last year to 960 million metric tons as Europe’s largest economy recovered and were still below the country’s ceiling under the climate-protection Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 213
08.04.2011 U.N.: Climate change needs global solution
Tackling climate change isn't a problem that individual countries should try to address by themselves, a U.N. climate change official said in Thailand.
Accesări: 196
08.04.2011 Rich countries under fire as emissions talks stall
Negotiators are already at loggerheads over plans for COP17 months before the South African climate change talks are due to start.
Accesări: 252
08.04.2011 Bangkok meeting stalls as US dismisses talk of international treaty
The UN's long-running climate change negotiations have once again been thrown into deadlock, after a week of talks in Bangkok failed to deliver significant progress and the US gave its clearest indication yet that it could abandon the UN process.
Accesări: 237
06.04.2011 Studiu: Dezvoltarea copacilor, afectata de schimbarile climatice
Dezvoltarea copacilor si fecunditatea lor (abilitatea de a produce seminte sanatoase) sunt mult mai sensibile la schimbarile climatice decat se credea.
Accesări: 166
06.04.2011 O acumulare uriasa de apa dulce din Oceanul Arctic ar putea afecta clima Europei
Cercetatorii monitorizeaza un bazin urias de apa dulce din Oceanul Arctic, care s-ar putea revarsa in Atlantic si afecta curentii ce influenteaza climatul temperat al Europei.
Accesări: 306
06.04.2011 Culoarea mediului devine albastra din cauza schimbarilor climatice
Culoarea mediului inconjurator devine din ce in ce mai albastra, o schimbare care are implicatii serioase pentru unele animale, ce risca sa dispara. Descoperirea a fost facuta in urma unui studiu important, publicat in revista britanica Journal of Animal Ecology (Jurnalul Ecologiei Animalelor). Cercetatorii au urmarit „culoarea spectrala”, mai precis cat de repede sau incet se schimba mediul animalelor pe parcursul timpului, relateaza
Accesări: 249
05.04.2011 Competing efforts hurt UN climate adaptation work: ActionAid
BANGKOK (AlertNet) – Industrialised countries, led by the United States, are undermining United Nations efforts to tackle climate change by funding climate change adaptation programmes outside the U.N. system, an international aid agency charged at this week’s climate talks in Bangkok.
Accesări: 274
05.04.2011 UPDATE 2-Japan says not seeking exemption from Kyoto CO2 pledge
TOKYO, April 5 (Reuters) - Japan is not seeking an exemption from its Kyoto Protocol pledges to cut greenhouse gases, a government official said on Tuesday, despite a nuclear safety crisis that could hamper efforts to reduce its use of fossil fuels.
Accesări: 262
05.04.2011 UN climate chief urges action on Kyoto Protocol
BANGKOK (AFP) – The United Nations' climate chief warned Tuesday that the success of this year's global warming negotiations hinged on countries resolving deep differences over the future of the Kyoto Protocol.
Accesări: 217
05.04.2011 Gap between expiry of Kyoto and new treaty, UN admits
UN CLIMATE chief Christiana Figueres has conceded that there will now be a “gap” between the imminent expiry of the Kyoto Protocol and the adoption of any new international treaty aimed at tackling global warming.
Accesări: 251
04.04.2011 UN Climate Chief Calls on to Complete Agreed Works
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres on Monday called on governments to ensure that the works decided in Cancun will be effective in 2012 and some shortfalls will be addressed in order to make progress in curbing climate change.
Accesări: 228
04.04.2011 Move to put climate change back on agenda
WITH WORLD attention grabbed by a succession of natural disasters in New Zealand and Japan as well as popular revolts in north Africa and the Middle East, the United Nations will be seeking this week to put climate change back on the international agenda.
Accesări: 219
04.04.2011 Temperatura medie din România creşte cu 1 grad, potrivit scenariilor climatice VEZI PROGNOZA
Potrivit unor scenarii privind schimbările climatice din România între anii 2001-2030, se proiectează o creştere a temperaturii medii lunare din ţara noastră în lunile noiembrie-decembrie şi în perioada caldă a anului (mai-septembrie), valori ceva mai ridicate fiind la munte, în sudul şi vestul ţării. Scenariile au fost elaborate de Administraţia Naţională Meteorologică.VEZI DOCUMENT ATAŞAT
Accesări: 187
04.04.2011 Accidentul de la Fukushima va influenta negocierile internationale privind climatul
Criza de incredere in energia nucleara va influenta negocierile internationale privind climatul, care au fost reluate la Bangkok, sub egida ONU, a declarat negociatorul-sef al Uniunii Europene, Artur Runge-Metzger, citat de Mediafax.
Accesări: 206
03.04.2011 UN climate meeting kicks off in Bangkok
A United Nations meeting on climate change kicked off on Sunday in Bangkok to discuss action plans following decisions made at a ministerial meeting in Mexico last year.
Accesări: 200
03.04.2011 Japan nuclear crisis to impact UN climate talks -EU
BANGKOK, April 3 (Reuters) - Japan's nuclear crisis will affect U.N.-led talks to fight climate change because it is prompting nations to rethink energy policies and investment costs, the European Union said on Sunday.
Accesări: 247
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