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04.11.2010 Rich nations urged to develop climate aid plan for Cancún
Brazilian environment minister Izabella Teixeira says negotiators must show they can produce agreements to restore faith in climate talks
Accesări: 302
03.11.2010 Obama says election hurts chances for climate reforms
President Barack Obama acknowledged that Republicans' big gains in Tuesday's elections meant he would not have the votes to drive ambitious climate change legislation through the U.S. Congress.
Accesări: 208
03.11.2010 Pământul îşi va reveni în 100.000 de ani din încălzirea globală
Pământul va avea nevoie de 100.000 de ani pentru a-şi reveni din încălzirea globală, dacă oamenii continuă să arunce gaze cu efecte de seră în atmosferă, avertizează geologii.
Accesări: 150
02.11.2010 U.S. to Focus on Job Gains Before Carbon Fixes, Yergin Says
The likelihood of Republicans gaining control of the U.S. House of Representatives means more focus on creating jobs than reducing carbon emissions, said Daniel Yergin, Pulitzer-winning author of oil-industry history “The Prize.”
Accesări: 229
02.11.2010 A price on carbon?
IF THERE is a global treaty to curb greenhouse gas emissions, Singapore will have to implement a carbon price to 'send the right price signals', Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Monday.
Accesări: 248
01.11.2010 UN could tap private sector to meet $100bn Copenhagen pledge
Governments seeking to raise $100bn (£62.2bn) to help poorer countries mitigate the effects of climate change look set to milk private sector cash flows, according to a leaked document.
Accesări: 292
01.11.2010 Election could affect U.S. pledge on international climate aid
As the next round of U.N. climate talks approach this month in Cancun, Merxico, the Obama administration finds itself in an awkward position: pushing its enduring commitment to bold climate action even as the prospects for comprehensive legislation have evaporated at home.
Accesări: 229
01.11.2010 Ban Ki-moon urges China to vigorously curb greenhouse gas emissions
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said that seven of the world's top 10 polluted cities are in China and stressed that it should put greater emphasis on social equity and environmental sustainability.
Accesări: 208
29.10.2010 Nature talks heading for success, delegates say
UN talks on a new deal aimed at protecting nature and equitably sharing in its benefits seem to be on course for a positive conclusion.
Accesări: 324
29.10.2010 Mexican minister emphasizes climate change fight
Mexican energy minister Georgina Kessel said on Thursday that reducing carbon footprint on the planet is the biggest challenge in the 21st century.
Accesări: 284
WELLINGTON, New Zealand - The Kiribati government is optimistic agreement can be achieved on issues such as funding for climate change adaptation at an international conference it’ll be hosting next month, but it says it can’t say the same for the United Nations conference in December.
Accesări: 330
28.10.2010 Hopes for treaty rise at UN biodiversity summit
NAGOYA, Japan (AFP) – Hopes rose that rich and poor nations would be able to forge a historic treaty to protect the world's ecosystems after grinding progress was made at a UN summit on Thursday, delegates said.
Accesări: 293
28.10.2010 World Bank launches scheme to green government accounts
NAGOYA, Japan (Reuters) – The World Bank on Thursday launched a program to help nations put a value on nature just like GDP in a bid to stop the destruction of forests, wetlands and reefs that underpin businesses and economies.
Accesări: 350
28.10.2010 Chinese firms blamed in huge greenhouse gas scam
BRUSSELS: The European Commission is planning to clamp down on a €2 billion ($2.8 billion) carbon trading scam involving the deliberate production of greenhouse gases which the fraudulent manufacturers are then paid to destroy.
Accesări: 404
28.10.2010 Proiect olandez de captare a carbonului primeste 150 milioane de euro de la UE
Comisia Europeana a decis ieri sa acorde 150 milioane de euro pentru un proiect demonstrativ de captare si stocare a carbonului desfasurat de companiile de energie si gaze din Olanda, E.ON si GDF Suez.
Accesări: 192
27.10.2010 U.N. talks to save nature zero in on historic deal
NAGOYA, Japan (Reuters) – Ministers from around the world began on Wednesday a final push for a U.N. deal to protect nature, urged by the World Bank to value the benefits of forests, oceans and rivers on economies and human welfare.
Accesări: 315
27.10.2010 Ministers advocate conservation of forests to curb climate change
NAGOYA (Kyodo) Ministers from dozens of countries reaffirmed their commitment Tuesday to a partnership to create a mechanism for reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation to curb climate change.
Accesări: 306
27.10.2010 Japan looks to ancient wisdom to save biodiversity
TOYOOKA, Japan (AFP) – Four decades ago the oriental white stork became extinct in Japan, the victim of rapid industrialisation and modern farm practices and heavy pesticide use that destroyed its habitat.
Accesări: 403
27.10.2010 Brazilian FM: hopes low for deal at Cancun climate change conference
Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Celso Amorim said Tuesday his country has "modest" expectations of reaching significant agreements at the 2010 UN Climate Change Conference scheduled for November in Cancun, Mexico.
Accesări: 281
26.10.2010 Schimbarile climatice, economia si terorismul, cele mai mari preocupari ale omenirii
Schimbarile climatice reprezinta una din preocuparile majore ale omenirii, situandu-se la acelasi nivel cu stabilitatea economica si terorismul, releva o ancheta sociologica realizata de banca HSBC in 15 tari de pe glob.
Accesări: 214
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