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11.05.2011 Hillary Clinton lands in Greenland for Arctic summit
NUUK, Greenland (Reuters) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Greenland on Wednesday for an Arctic summit to improve management of a vast, pristine region being rapidly transformed by climate change.
Accesări: 328
10.05.2011 US, China must ensure climate success: Clinton
WASHINGTON - SECRETARY of State Hillary Clinton asked China on Monday to work with the United States on climate change, saying the two largest carbon emitters could together ensure the success of UN talks.
Accesări: 322
10.05.2011 Finance key to using renewable energy
THE ability to attract finance and improve grid infrastructure are key in the big-scale deployment of renewable energy technologies, the sector said yesterday.
Accesări: 312
10.05.2011 80% of Energy Use Could be Renewable by 2050: UN
Renewable sources such as solar, wind and hydropower could fulfil almost 80 percent of the world's energy demand by 2050 with the right policies, according to a U.N. report which won backing from governments on Monday.
Accesări: 231
09.05.2011 UK opens unit to transfer climate change expertise
Indonesia may not meet its development targets unless the nation makes an effort to promote green, sustainable growth, according to a top British diplomat.
Accesări: 192
09.05.2011 Committee on Climate Change calls for renewable energy revolution
The independent Committee on Climate Change (CCC) will today release a major new report arguing that the UK should be able to deliver at least 30 per cent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030 as part of efforts to deliver deep cuts in carbon emissions.
Accesări: 231
09.05.2011 Pamantul extrem: Viteza vantului si inaltimea valurilor, in crestere
Viteza vantului si inaltimea valurilor oceanelor au crescut in ultimii 25 de ani, cel mai probabil ca urmare a schimbarilor climatice, se arata intr-un nou studiu publicat in revista Science si citat de
Accesări: 211
05.05.2011 Zuma: Fast-growing Africa must rethink its global role
Propelled by high growth and an expanding middle class, Africa has entered a new chapter in its history. Its countries must change the way they relate to the rest of the world and to each other, South African President Jacob G. Zuma told more than 900 business, government and civil society leaders from 60 countries in the opening session of the 21st World Economic Forum on Africa.
Accesări: 224
05.05.2011 Impact of climate change gathers int'l experts in Maputo
The Mozambican capital Maputo is hosting a meeting of African, European and Latin American experts on climate change and its effects on the African continent.
Accesări: 262
04.05.2011 Efectele schimbarilor climatice din Arctica, mult mai serioase decat se presupunea
Efectele schimbarilor climatice din zona arctica isi fac deja simtita prezenta, pornind de la subtierea calotei glaciare si pana la scurtarea anotimpului friguros. Iar schimbarile au loc mult mai repede decat prevazusera cercetatorii. Cel putin acest lucru reiese dintr-un nou studiu efectuat in Arctica, si prezentat la Copenhaga in aceasta saptamana.
Accesări: 183
03.05.2011 Manuel bemoans lack of price for carbon emissions
CAPE TOWN — The absence of a price for something as destructive as carbon emissions was a "manifest market failure", Planning Minister Trevor Manuel said last week.
Accesări: 223
02.05.2011 European Carbon Climbs to a 4-Week High as Germany’s Electricity Advances
European Union carbon-dioxide permits jumped to an almost four-week high as German power prices rose, increasing demand for pollution rights.
Accesări: 211
02.05.2011 Connie Hedegaard seeks renewable energy targets for 2030
The EU's climate chief is seeking to extend the bloc's renewable energy targets, in a move apparently designed to protect the green energy sector from an intensifying attack by the gas industry.
Accesări: 216
29.04.2011 Russia Says It Won’t Be Forced by the UN to Fund Poor-Nation Climate Aid
Russia said it won’t be forced by the United Nations to contribute to about $30 billion being raised through 2012 to finance climate-change-adaptation projects in poor nations.
Accesări: 271
29.04.2011 Business Roundtable Urges EPA to Stop Greenhouse Gas Rules
The Business Roundtable, a group of chief executives officers from companies such as General Electric Co. (GE) and Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), urged the Obama administration to abandon efforts to regulate greenhouse gases from industrial polluters.
Accesări: 333
29.04.2011 Barbatii emit cu 7 kilograme mai mult CO2, intr-o zi, decat femeile
Se vorbeste mult despre despre gazele cu efect de sera emise din fabrici, restaurante sau de masini, dar v-ati gandit vreodata cat dioxid de carbon emit femeile sau barbatii?
Accesări: 197
28.04.2011 Samoa's forests get $4.9 million 'climate change proofing'
The Samoan government is getting an injection of almost 5 million dollars to help it manage the effect of climate change on its forests.
Accesări: 292
28.04.2011 Interview: China's long-term approach to investment benefits Africa: UN official
In a way that is different from traditional investors from Europe or the United States, China 's long-term approach to its investment in Africa has benefited many countries, Lazarous Kapambwe, chief of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) told Xinhua in a recent interview.
Accesări: 336
27.04.2011 Korea and IMO join forces against CO2
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and South Korea have announced an aid programme for the east Asian region targeting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction in shipping. The move is the latest sign of the growing push by Asian economies to embrace the opportunities of the green economy, not just in shipping and ports but across the industrial spectrum.
Accesări: 295
27.04.2011 AFB to host regional climate change workshop
LATIN America and the Caribbean's ability to adapt to the devastating impacts of climate change is expected to improve with the hosting of a major capacity-building workshop in the region this year.
Accesări: 283
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